Thursday, April 16, 2015

Feeling Thankful for You

Starting a blog is one of the best things I have ever done.
I have met so many wonderful, talented, funny, creative,
and loving people.

 Any time I have encountered a problem that seemed too big to
handle, you were there to encourage me.

Blogging has opened me up to a whole new group of friends.
Friends like you who have become a very important part of
my daily life.

I have tried to explain the concept of a blog to my Aunt.  In simplistic
terms a blog is like an online magazine yet it is so much more.
It's not just about decorating or sharing recipes.  

And it's not just an online journal because there is the interaction 
of thought.

We open our homes and our lives to one another.  

We are friends.  For that I am so thankful.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. These are the reasons I love blogging also. Beautiful photos and beautiful words!

  2. Hello Susan. I couldn't agree with you more. Blogging is, well, it's just wonderful because of all the super people one meets. I'm so grateful, too. Susan

    1. Isn't it wonderful? We are all unique and yet we share so many of the same interests. It's like the biggest sorority of women who become life long friends!

  3. Susan, we're thankful for you, too!

  4. Sweet words! The blogging world really is special! Have a wonderful day!

  5. So very true! Beautiful photos ~ Blogging is such an incredible venue to connect with such awesome people! Where are you in Texas? I'm in the DFW area.


    1. Howdy fellow Texan! I am in Victoria. If you are ever down this way don't forget to stop by. Bentley loves visitors and I do too!

  6. Amen to blogger buddies ! So true I have made so many wonderful friends from the blogging world and enjoy each and every one of them and what they get up to ! Thanks for sharing lovely photos Have a good week !

  7. Lovely post, Susan...The friendships and support are a wonderful part of blogging for me, too!

  8. Hi Susan! Love your posts and decorating style! Thank you too for sharing such great stuff! Take care and God bless! Cindy

  9. I'm new to reading Blogs. I hardly ever watch tv anymore and only buy certain magazines for ideas. Best part of blogs is you can interact with others, share ideas, thoughts, and suggestions. My hubs still doesn't understand my "addiction" but that's okay too! Thanks Susan I love your blog.

  10. And we are Thankful that you share with us your lovely home and of course Bentley. I have my old friends and then I have my new friends who I visit via their blog. Look forward to a long lively friendship.

  11. And as I visit a different home design blog, it lightens my day most especially when the hidden beauty of a home show in an extraordinary and creative and magnificently showcases in just one thoughts. Love your blog Susan, as always <3. Looking forward to read more from you both. Cheers!

    Nancy of


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