Sunday, April 19, 2015

Therapy Dog or Angel?

I posted this story of Nala, the therapy dog on my Facebook page this
weekend.  Y'all know how much I love dogs, especially my Bentley.
I believe that dogs are the best friends.  They give us such joy, comfort
and companionship.  

Their love is all encompassing.  Nala's love is.  She goes to work at a
nursing home every day with her master ~ her daddy ~ and while he is
busy doing his own work, she has created her own job.

Nala visits the patients and gives them love and compassion.
Enjoy the video.  No more words are necessary.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I believe animal visits can do more good than most people can appreciate. An animals love and attention stays with you long after the initial visit and leaves great memories of sight, sound and feel (textures)).

  2. Just completely precious! Mr. Decor has plans that when he retires he will train a little dachshund to be a therapy dog so they can visit veterans hospitals. People find great comfort in animals. They are non judgemental.

    1. Dogs can do so much good. I used to work in the children's room of a library and we had dogs come in every other week so that kids could read to them. Children who have a hard time reading aloud in front of people have a perfectly easy time reading to a dog. You are so right. Dogs don't judge, they just love.

  3. Love this post, Susan! Nala's story is so inspiring and her love is unconditional! Thanks for sharing . . . it made my day. I've already shared it on FB!

    1. Thanks for sharing Nala's story. It also helps to spread the word that elderly patients in nursing homes need love and companionship too.

  4. Oh, my goodness! What an amazing dog! How strange that she knows just who to visit, WOW! Thanks for sharing that, Susan. It made me cry!

  5. That was so touching. Such a little creature making such a big impact! This needs to be done at nursing homes & hospitals everywhere! Thanks for sharing this Susan.

    1. The good thing is that it is being done more and more often. I have been reading about programs that bring therapy dogs into the homes of shut ins too. So much more work can be done to help darling dogs like Nala spread joy and comfort to those in need.

  6. I don't think we can come close to grasping the extent of a dog's instincts and understanding of our needs.
    Our son took leave when the RG had hip replacement and their was no question-- 'Lucy is going to visit Dad with us. ' Yes Sir'

  7. Dogs are a blessing all animals are to me ! Our Miggs is my daily therapy that's for sure ! Thanks for sharing , Have a good day !

    1. Oh so agree. Bentley is my daily therapy too and our angel.

  8. WONDERFUL!!!! Nala is an angel. She is one smart little lady. People who don't like dogs cannot be trusted. Dogs are a gift from God.
    I have been blessed to have 5 really great far!!! I hope I am always able to have a dog. "Life is just not worth living without the joy of a dog!!!" ~~~Let's remember what DOG spelled backwards is!!!~~~

    1. It seems to me that God is working through Nala. She is the perfect example of what love is meant to be. Without judgement or discrimination. Always kind and always compassionate.

  9. Susan, I think this is just wonderful. I will do this one day, too. I have two cats in my antique shop and people pay more attention to the cats than they do to the antiques...that is the only problem. I don't have a dog here because the insurance man says there is a liability issue (ole stick-in-the-mud) but someday I'll able to do visit nursing homes with some little rescue dog. Wish I could do it now.

    1. I'm sorry that your insurance man says no to dogs. It's funny how people react to both dogs and cats. Those that love them are so charmed that they don't see anything else :-)

  10. Nala is PRECIOUS !! All pups and pets bring so much joy -- I love catching up and seeing your blog ! Makes me smile so much <3


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