Monday, April 20, 2015

Waiting for My Muse

Sometimes I feel inspired.  Sometimes I don't ~ so I wait, and
wait and wait for the inspiration to come.   It will happen.
 I just have to be patient.

Is your muse sometimes elusive too?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. We all go through it! You might not feel very creative right now but your photos are so pretty!

  2. Oh, yes! I am into making cards, but my muse has been on holiday for about a year now. Hoping it'll return, as I have lots of supplies I'd like to put to use!

    Lovely, pics, Susan!

  3. Well, MY muse waiting is not nearly as cute and sweet as yours is, Susan. What a pretty post. xo Diana

  4. Chuckle! I can't afford to lose track of my muse. I gotta make money. Where do you think yours is hiding out? Maybe Bentley knows...

    1. I think my muse is teasing me a bit and expecting me to put in a bit of effort ;-)

  5. Sometimes, but you have a lovely house that often helps.

  6. I'd love to go shopping in your house. It would be more fun than a department store.

  7. Oh yes....but that is why I am happy there are beautiful blogs like yours where I can visit and get plenty of inspiration from. Happy new week Susan.


  8. Well, it looks like you have lots of pretty stuff for inspiration! It's all fantastic!

  9. Yes, sometimes I have zero creativity and other times it flows easily. I'm not really crafty like you are but I consider caring for our home to be creative. :)

    Oh, I have a wonderful new blogger featured today. I'd love for you to come by and visit.

  10. Be still my heart!! What a beautiful post!! I have the same vase that the brushes are in!!

    Thanks so much for visiting!!


    1. Don't you just love that vase??? It's so happy and cheerful looking. Thanks for stopping by Debbie.

  11. My muse very often hides from me. Your photos are wonderful so I bet that muse is hiding somewhere in there. xo Laura

  12. My muse is evasive, too...but I'm inspired by all of your beautiful photos...pure eye candy!

  13. Yes...sometimes creativity in all things seems to lag, but fortunately it come back. Such pretty fabrics here...lovely.

    1. I am doing what I can to encourage her to come back.

  14. Yes, Susan, that is basically why I wrote the post I did today. I couldn't think of anything else and I didn't want to lose touch. I think you handled it just the right way. Put it out there with a few pretty pictures and wait until the muse returns. This doesn't happen to me very often, but when it does I'll take a page from your book. Thank you for leaving such kind comments when you visited today..Happy Tuesday..Judy

    1. Sometimes the ideas just flow and sometimes they don't. But I agree with you, it's good to stay in touch and just say hi even though not much is going on.

  15. Listen, sister friend...anyone who can do such amazing photos as THESE, surely has THEIR MUSE ON....:)
    always love your subjects.

  16. You are surrounded by beauty as you wait. I'm sure that helps. Beautiful photos!

  17. I love all your pretty things. You home looks so welcoming. Have a great week. Blessings, Martha

  18. Oh gosh, I hope you find it soon. Something lovely is bound to emerge with those beautiful elements in your last photo.
    I noticed your Kitty Bartholomew book. I used to love watching her show on HGTV many years ago. Love her style.

  19. Yes, I find myself lacking any sort of creativity at times. It will come.....just be patient!

  20. I've started building my new crafty space and I've worked on a couple of projects but I am slow in the inspiration dept.! Love all of your pink stuff. ;)


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.