Friday, June 12, 2015

June Cleaver Pink Pearls Pin Cushion

Yesterday afternoon I was on my laptop pinning to my Pinterest Pin Cushion
board while watching Leave It To Beaver reruns on TV.  I know what you 
must be thinking wow can that girl multi-task lol.  I happened to see  pin
cushions of some dresses that were inspired by the book/movie The Help.

I saved the pins to my board and then I started thinking ~
what a cute idea!  And then it dawned on me, why
not make a June Cleaver pin cushion???   You will know it is
June because she is wearing pearls with her apron.

So, I chose some fabric and some felt and started cutting out a pattern.
Then  I had to find something I could use as "pearls" and then I 
remembered a box of Mardi Gras beads that I saved from years ago.

One strand of beads had tiny little beads on the end.  Although not white
like June's pearls would have been, I thought the color pink would go well
with the color of the dress and that somehow June would approve :-)

I thought it turned out to be cute, but then when I stuck some pins in
June, I started to feel a little creepy.  After all, I would never want 
June to think it was a VooDoo doll.  I may be a writer, but I am no
Stephen King lol!

What do ya'll think?  Creepy or cute?

I took Bentley for a very long walk last night and he has been a
lounge pup all day today.  But just you wait, he will be all 
refreshed and ready to take another one tonight.  That little
peanut loves his walkies!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Haven't seen those in awhile
    Lily & Edward

  2. I think it is cute till you stuck the pins in! LOL


  3. That's so funny, I was thinking VooDoo doll, too!! Ha! But it is super sweet!

  4. As it had no head you can't kill someone by mistake so I guess it's cute.

  5. Neat idea for someone that sews. Sounds like someone is spoiled at your house.

  6. NOT CREEPY!! Definetly cute! love it. I know june would love the pink pearls for sure! anyone know if she is still living? How about Ward and the boys? I watched that show so much growing up!

  7. That's just the cutest pin cushion. Love the pink pearls, wish I had some.

  8. It really looks like the 50th very cute good job

  9. It must be cute because I didn't even think about the voodoo aspect of it until you said something. June Cleaver and Donna Reed - always in dresses, high heels, and pearls and their houses were immaculate. Maybe I need to start pinning pincushions on Pinterest because I was pinning quilts while watching the Giants game last night and I can't just whip one of those up! Still, the fabric stash is coming out...

  10. Oh how hilarious!! Cutest pin cushion ever!

  11. That is so cute. Loved watching Leave it to Beaver as a kid. Have a great weekend.

  12. I didn't think of voodoo. I thought, "What cute idea." But the thing that cracked me up was that I watch two episodes of Beaver yesterday!


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