Friday, June 26, 2015

Lazy Hazy Days

I have always been a fan of summer reading.  The pleasure of kicking
back and reading a book just for fun has stayed with me each and every
summer since childhood.  

Once or twice a week during our summer holidays, my friend Caroline
and I would ride our bikes to the village library and check out as many
books as our bicycle baskets would hold.  Our treasured library cards 
were always maxed out all year long, but even more so during the lazy,
hazy days of summer.  I remember the excitement of bringing those
books home and setting them on my dresser, carefully deciding which
title would be the lucky first read.

My mom always insisted on lots of fresh air and exercise, so the books
would have to remain on my dresser, unopened until after dinner.  Then
I would grab my bathing suit, towel and sunglasses and hop on
 my bike once again.  This time headed to the beach with friends for
the rest of the day.

Such happy, carefree, childhood days.

We were so lucky to live right near the shores of Lake Michigan.
I treasured my yearly summer beach pass.  As we rode down the tree
lined streets headed to the lake I remember laughing and telling
jokes and stories with my friends.  The streamers of my handle bars
flying along side me as I peddled as fast as I could towards the lake
past pretty houses and lush green lawns.  Soon we would be there
for the rest of the afternoon.  Sand between our toes.  Seeing who
could stay underwater longest.  Who could swim the fastest.  How
many popsicles we could buy with the money we kept in our beach

Precious moments that are fleeting and never to be recaptured again.

All grown up for many years now, I continue to think of summer as a
lazy and dream filled time.  I still head to the library once a week and 
check out lots of titles.  It's a time to loose myself once again in
the joy of summer reading.  Decorating books.  Cookbooks.  Whatever
my heart fancies.  

Magazines through the mail or picked up on a whim from the 
grocery store.   

And of course a good "beach read".  Nothing too heavy.  Something
easy and uncomplicated to open up and lose myself in for a couple 
of hours.  Soft music in the background.  The slight breeze of the
overhead ceiling fan.  A delightful way to spend a hot and hazy

But then of course ….

There is always the temptation of an afternoon nap.
Such are the hazy, lazy days of summer.

Pink Saturday

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I love reading, any time of the year ;) I also am a big fan of the afternoon nap. It is truly wonderful to have the choice of doing one, or the other.......or both!

  2. So true - those precious childhood memories can never be recaptured - only in our memories. We had so many kids on our block and we played outside every night, had clubhouses, made a newspaper one year and just on and on. The parents all sat in lawn chairs in the front yard and visited. Good ole days!


  3. I enjoy reading as well. I stopped buying books as I can get all the latest at my library.

  4. A nice lazy hazy day enjoyable post :)

    Deb from Sacred Eclectic and Frugal Little Bungalow ( glad that you enjoyed the Nostradamus post / thanks for the vist and comment over there :)

  5. I love to read all year round, but summer seems such a good time to relax with a book when it's too hot outside to do much else! Naps are good too!

  6. We still have that little girl in us no matter how old we get. Have you noticed how few, if any, kids you see playing outside these days?. Not even in their own yard. I know there is a safety issue today, but even the parents do not seem to sit outside so that maybe the kids could enjoy the outdoors. Just a shame to me....

  7. Jenny S I agree I think the children and parents of today miss out on the simple pleasures of life. Oh how your post made me dream of Summer. We are well into the throngs of Winter and although we have sunny days the nights and mornings are so cold. Enjoy

  8. A perfectly delightful summer post....

    Sweet memories... Happy 'now' suggestions... And mention of a nap...

    Can't get much better than this. :-)


  9. I think several others hit on the safety we enjoyed "back in the day". We could leave the house in the morning, find our way home for lunch and then be gone till supper and back out again until dark. Our parents didn't have the constant worry over us, and we weren't connected in any electronic fashion to them for those glorious hours of play. We worked out our "fights" by ourselves and had great plans for every day. Picnic lunches on a blanket nearly every day..... which I now believe was my mom's way of keeping us OUT and the house clean!! We also didn't have every minute scheduled with camps and lessons and summer school and play-dates..... I know it is silly to talk about those good old days, but when it comes to our childhood vs. most kids childhoods today ~ I do think we won!!

  10. Oh those were the days ! Lovely story of your memories as a child . I love days like this to . I really like your last photo with the pillows what pretty fabric ! Thanks for sharing , Have a wonderful weekend !

  11. I remember reading on the beach, every summer, under the umbrella, toes in the sand! As an adult, I still like to lose myself in a good read whenever I can steal the time!

  12. Wonderful post! I'm new to your blog and love it! do you have pictures somewhere of your actual cottage? From the little bits I see, I really love it. Yes the good ole' days... I too would be gone all day from home.. take a lunch in a sack and take off on bikes to wherever we wanted to go..... no way to get in touch with mom or for her to get in touch with us! We would play outside after dark, playing hide and seek, wandering the woods or sitting on the front lawn of someone's house. I know the kids of today miss out on those days... thank you for the nostalgia and memories.. and I still love to read and love to haunt the libraries.. no e-reader for me.. I like the real thing! I love the magazines too of cottages, beach places and mountain cabins.

    1. I loved riding my bicycle to the library. The library was the first location I was able to go past my boundary lines. I too filled the basket. I loved to read and I loved picking out the books I wanted to read. Sweet, sweet memories.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.