Friday, August 7, 2015

The Daily Feed

TGIF everyone!  Are you glad it's Friday?  I sure am.  It's not that I 
have had a tough week, but the weekends are so special to me because
I get to see more of my husband.  Bentley loves to spend time with his
daddy too.  Although, David will be leaving early to play golf
tomorrow morning with one of our neighbors.  They have to get out
onto the course early because it's so HOT!  One must really be
devoted to the game to play in this weather.  

I am just happy to be inside puttering around the house.  Bentley likes to
be inside too in this weather.  No sunbaths for him!  He runs out, checks
every little thing he can before he decides it's too hot to bother.  

So today I will be covering two seats on two dining room side chairs.
Then I noticed that the silver really needs polishing, so I will do that too.
And then ~ finally, I will pull off the last remaining bits of wallpaper in
the guest bath.  Sure will be glad to finish that job!

So that's it for the daily feed.  I hope y'all are having a great Friday
and are making some fun plans for the weekend!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I never could figure out how those guys could play golf in this heat! Once, I was working on a ski lodge in Colorado and John went up with me once and he and the guy played golf in the snow! He loved it. ?????? Crazy guys.

    Glad you are about thru with the wallpaper. Don't you hate doing that?

    Have a great weekend.


    1. I know Judy! It's shear passion and David will endure just about any kind of weather to be on the course. It's a shame David and John never met. They would have been buddies. Yes, I am so happy about almost being done with the wallpaper removal. It's a tedious job and I try to make it as pleasant as possible by listening to George Burns and Gracie Allen on YouTube on my laptop. Sometimes I have to be careful because I laugh myself silly while listening and don't want to fall off the ladder :-)

  2. HOT is the word!! It's so hot that work becomes a four letter word!!
    Your bathroom is going to be so cute...I can't wait to see it!
    Blessings to you,

    1. It's a four letter word here too ;-) Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi Susan. I love your breakfast vignette. I have a pillow just like the large chicken feed one. Don't you just love it. Susan, I don't know if this means anything or not but I received a notification from FaceBook about you and have scoured your blog posts and can't find anything about it and didn't want to put it out here in case it is something wierd. When I clicked on it it wouldn't open but the notification is evidently out there because I got it. I can't find an e-mail address for you so if you want to e-mail me, you can get mine off my blog, and I'll tell you what it is. It's nothing bad but it's different and maybe you already know about it...Happy Weekend..Judy

  4. Golf doesn't sound exciting to me in the first place... lol... but in the heat forget it but you know men... Love your sweet bowl and chicken love that first photo.. I've been sick so not feeling to do to much. maybe a thing or two here and there. Like this morning I moved the potato bin and cleaned behind that.. the floor wall etc.. and the kitchen window inside.. At any rate have a lovely weekend with love Janice

  5. Is it as humid down there as it is in the piney woods of east Texas? My husband works in Dallas and comes home on weekends and has been doing this for 10 years. He is retiring the end of this month. So, I guess my party of 10 years will be over!


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