Saturday, August 8, 2015

Wow ~ Look at the Time!

Look at the clock in the breakfast room ~ 1:20 pm.  Yikes, I had no idea
it was so late!  I just finished eating my oatmeal and I am still in my
bathrobe.  Talk about a lazy day!  

Here is my breakfast room.  Did I eat my oatmeal here?  No I did not.
I ate my oatmeal in front of the TV in the family room while watching
a murder mystery movie I TiVo'd recently.

I did have some plans for this morning, but I was constantly distracting
myself and now half the day is shot!

I better hop in the shower and then get dressed before hubby gets
home from playing golf :-)  Bentley is not any farther ahead than I am.
He is still napping on the sofa.  

Hope your day has been more productive than mine has been
so far!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Must be something in the air. I just dressed about 30 minutes ago - it's now 2:05 p.m. Lazy, no energy day.

  2. No, I too have been a slug all day.

  3. I will look up and it's noon and I think, wow where did the morning go? I better at least get dressed! No, you are not alone!

  4. I made it to the grocery before the sun came up this morning. Then the rest of the day was several naps long. I can't take the heat anymore.

  5. Sometimes a day like that is good for you!

  6. What murder mystery were you watching? I LOVE murder mysteries!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.