Thursday, September 24, 2015

Butternut Squash Soup

I love squash.  Let me restate ~ I love, love, love squash.  All kinds of 
squash, acorn, butternut, patty pan, and more.  Every time I see a new
type of squash at the market, I have to buy it!  

David tolerates squash, but left to his own veggie choices, squash 
would not be on his plate.  However, I can get him to partake in some
squash soup with a chaser of Pumpkin Ale :-)

To me, nothing says Fall quite like a bowl of squash soup, sprinkled
with a bit of nutmeg and served in a hollowed out pie pumpkin.
Major yumminess!

One of my favorite recipes for Butternut Squash Soup
is from Alton Brown and you can find his recipe 
here.  It's simple to make and sure to please all of
the squash lovers in your family and you too!

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Bentley ~ I never have to bribe you into eating
your squash do I?  You eat it all gone like a
good boy!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your table is so pretty! We love squash too but I've never made the soup. I need to put this on my to do list. ;)

    1. You should make it. It's so warm and comforting. Freezes well too.

  2. I love squash soup too. I must serve my next lot in a pumpkin... it looks so autumnal.

    1. It's fun to use the scooped out pumpkin as a bowl and it adds an extra bit of flavor to the soup as well.

  3. Your tablescape is so festive! I'm so happy that fall has finally arrived. All the best to you and Bentley!

    1. Thank you! I am happy fall is here as well. It's nice to actually go outside early in the morning and do some yard work without feeling like I might get a heat stroke ;-)

  4. Yummy and it looks so pretty served in the pumpkin bowls. Happy Autumn!

    1. Thanks Sarah! Happy Autumn to you as well!!

      Big Texas Hugs,
      Susan and Bentley

  5. We love butternut squash soup, too...I love to add a little tumeric to it. It's so nice to see all the different squashes on the market now!

  6. Oh that soup looks delicious and what a charming way to serve the soup. Nutmeg is a great topper for the soup. Your tablescape is stunning and so welcoming. I am wanting to try this soup. Thanks for posting this incredible table.

  7. Your table setting is so perfect for fall. The soup served in the pumpkin looks delish!

  8. That looks delicious inside the pumpkin! I made some pumpkin apple soup once. Yours sounds delightful!

  9. That looks great Susan. I love your pumpkin bowl. Thank for joining Home Sweet Home!


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