Friday, September 25, 2015

Mums and Musings

It is beautiful outside this morning!  Slightly lower temps and slightly lower
humidity, but I will take it.  There is talk of some little disturbance in the 
Gulf of Mexico but I am not going to worry about it and just take advantage
of the glorious weather we have at the moment.

Yesterday I put a few fall decorations on the front porch.  I added
some mums and some pumpkins.  Mums always remind me of 
my college days.  I have probably told you that before.  Let me 
know if I am repeating myself, I have a tendency to like to retell
my favorite memories ;-)  Since seeing a big pot of mums whisks
me away to happy times, I always grab a couple as soon as they
arrive at the market.  They are instant joy!  

I have decided that I need to purchase some bird feeders.
My neighbors across the street hung up two of them recently and
my Cardinals are now hanging out over in their yard.  Any
suggestions on good feeders?  

One of the things I love most about fall is comfort food.  For the
past several months we have been grilling and serving lots of 
salads.  Delicious, yes, but I love to make big pots of stew and
yummy soups too.  The kind of cooking that fills the house with
wonderful aromas.  Lots of scented candles burning inside too.
Scents of apple and cinnamon and pumpkin spice.  Autumn is
the season of cozy.  

Well friends, that's it for today.  I better get to work fluffing 
up the cottage before the weekend.  If I don't get busy, I'll
just end up chatting away all day :-)  Have a wonderful

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. The best kind of bird feeder is one that has 2/3 wild bird seed and 1/3 black oil sunflower seeds :^). I use everything from old pie pans on a stick to a high $$ "Droll Yankee" (supposedly) squirrel proof feeder. The birds don't care...they just want food and lots of it!! We have about 6 pair of's wonderful in the spring when they bring their babies to show them off!!
    Last year on the great American bird count, I had 27 different birds to list. They were all looking for a handout :^), we have running water for them year around. I really think that may be the big draw!
    Hope you have good luck with getting your birdies back...they are a huge source of entertainment for us, and for the princess Posie cat! (who never is allowed outdoors!!)
    Blessings to you and a hug for Sir Bentley

    1. Thanks for your tips! I will be looking for a bird feeder and seed this weekend!!

  2. I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I have heard that Cardinals will only eat sunflower seeds. I do see them picking through the seeds in my feeders to get the sunflower seeds. But maybe they just prefer them over the other seeds.

  3. Yay for cooler temps! I love your sweet little pumpkin vignette. I love those kinds of chairs.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Those chairs belonged to my Mom and Daddy. There is a little matching settee and a round bench that just fits around the base of one of our big old live oaks. I love the whole set!

  4. Thanks for the reminder. I need to get more seed this weekend. The cardinals and blue jays have been scolding me. xo Laura

  5. It's looking very Autumy there Susan....and I"m happy to hear that you have cooler temps even if they are only slightly all helps.


  6. Sorry to say I don't know much about bird feeders. I also had to stop putting bird seed out because the "cute" little squirrels would eat it all!

    Mums are my favorite flower and is my birthday flower as well! I'm so ready to stop eating cold salads and start making yummy hot stews, chili, soups, ...

    1. Those squirrels are greedy little ones, but still so cute. I am tickled watching the antics of the squirrels trying to get into the neighbor's bird feeders. I'll be working on a method to keep them all fat and happy :-)

  7. I love to make stews and soups too! Love to have a huge crock pot of something simmering all easy and smells so good! Do you make chili? I am making homemade beef stew this week, haven't made that since last winter, so that will be a nice change


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