Friday, September 4, 2015

Good Morning Thoughts From My Dollhouse

TGIF everyone!  Hope y'all are looking forward to the long holiday
weekend and the winding down of summer.  Summer just flew by
despite my whining about the oppressive heat.  Seems just like 
yesterday that David and I celebrated the Fourth of July up in Austin.
I know that everyone says this, but summer really does seem to rush
by faster and faster each year.  Remember when we were kids and
summer lasted so much longer?  

I just looked into my closet and surveyed all the summer clothes that I love.
I will get to wear them longer because it really doesn't cool off here until
November, yet somehow I feel like I need to make the transition to autumn
colors instead of all my pink.  I am a Lilly Pulitzer fan and I have lots of
pink and green in my closet.  I am looking at my white "Jacks" too.  
What is your feeling about white shoes after Labor Day?  I know the rule
is now discarded by many, but I am a so traditional and like certain
things for certain seasons.  Maybe I will just get another pair of "Jacks"
in a darker color.

Labor Day always brings back memories of school and especially of my Freshman
year at college.  I remember my parents dropping me off at my dorm.  My new
home away from home.  Dinner in the cafeteria with my new roommate and 
other girls from our dorm.  Those first days of classes with professors who were
so passionate about their field of study.  Art History, Comparative Religion, 
English Literature, Chemistry, French and Ballet.  Yes, I took ballet.  

Such a life changing period in my life.  My eyes were opened to new thoughts
and ideas and it was all so wondrous.  In honor of that time in my life, each
year after Labor Day I work on ways to keep that quest for knowledge alive.
I seek out books that I have not read and try to learn something new.  Learning
truly is a life long experience.  I always feel sad for those who say that they
are bored.  How can anyone be bored when there is so much to discover?

Someone recently asked me ~ "What do you do with yourself all day?"

What don't I do.  I am one of those who finds dozens of things to do 
each day and my biggest complaint is that there never seems to be 
enough hours in a day.  My game has been thrown off a bit in recent
months, but I am back on track now and feeling positive and 
optimistic about life.  

My biggest project, aside from redecorating the guest bath, is my book.
I have been planning on being an author for years.  Yes, I am an author of
sorts with this blog, but this is an open ended forum.  I am working on a
book that will sweep others away into an imaginary world for a time.
It's my biggest project to date and I am so excited for it's debut.  Trust me,
y'all will be the first to know when it's ready.

I really love my alone time.  I live in my head quiet a bit.  It's hard for
others to accept this because I can be quite the social butterfly when I am
in the mood.  Most of the time I am quite solitary and happy to be alone.
If I don't get enough alone time I can be very cranky.  

That's enough about me.  What's on your mind?

Do you have any special plans for the weekend?

Picnics, or long walks in a park?  Decorating the house or gardening?

Taking the time to read a new book or take a long soak in a bubble bath?

Or are you spending time with family and friends?  Whatever you do,
I wish you a very happy weekend.  Enjoy each moment of the final
days of summer.  I will be back to share the early days of a new season
with you next week.  Until then ….

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. O my I just love and adore your doll house.. so many sweet things inside it.. I never went to college I was busy raising five children.. now that they are all grown it took a while to adjust my life. but now I pudder around my garden and things like that I enjoy crocheting recipes.. and such.. for this weekend i'm not too sure.. there is so much to be done at home.. Have a wonderful lovely weekend with love Janice

    1. Ir sounds like you are living a beautiful like Janice!

    2. hello, I remember when I was young and in school me and my sister waited for the bus it seemed so early cause I remember the due was still on the ground and I remember that morning smell , I called the too early smell cause it seemed we were up to early lol and that bus smell really takes me back! when or if I get the chance to catch that smell now I'm so happy that if I want to I can go curl up and watch cartoons! yes my son is 30 and daughter 28 and I watch cartoons they comfort me some how! like you I love my alone time I never feel alone though cause Jesus is always with when people hear me talking out loud to myself (yeh I said it) lol I tell them I'm talking to Jesus !! lol! well most time I am any way ! I am almost finished with the inside of my doll house 1;12 I have been ordering and making things and I have had to wait almost a year to put all the adorable stuff in ,but its ok cause anticipation is the key of a lot of the fun to me! I love people when I'm around them I think people are a part of me learning new things and getting new ideas I rob others imaginations when mine is low I guess you know that cause I'm here looking at your nice doll house its really shabby chic with a mix of French also my favorite thing, well I have left enough of a message /reply i like the person that you are and the great imagination you have I be your a really fun person to be around when you or I aren't taking off for some alone time! some say I spend to much time alone! I say that's just crazy talk !! lol thanks for putting your beautiful house on here!!!..................................Melissa

  2. Just love walking through your doll house rooms!! They are all so pretty and sweet!!

    Yes, I too remember the first days of college, I was ready with all my new wool clothes and sweaters, and it was so hot until October!!!

    Speaking of which....we are in the midst of yet another heat wave and it will be more intense next week!! I will be inside with the AC full blast, cleaning up summer and getting my Fall on....have some painting projects on the work table, ready to go!! xoxoxo

    1. I'm inside with the AC at full blast too. Beastly hot and humid!

  3. Oh for a heatwave. Today I seriously thought about wearing my thermals. The very idea of wearing summer clothes makes me shiver! Enjoy spending time writing your book! I look forward to reading updates about your progress. Sarah (from the over 40s)

    1. I wish I were living in your chilly neck of the woods right now! Thanks for stopping by!!

  4. Your dollhouse is totally enchanting. Such wonderful details! Lovely colors! Incredulous details. Oh, thanks soooo much for sharing. Susan

  5. Your darling dollhouse is cuter than most's adorable and very well stocked. Loved those shots, and I am going to mention this to Ann, she was visiting my blog today and mentioned that her dollhouse blog has so little traffic....I'm sure she would love to see how cute yours is.


    1. I am so smitten with dollhouses. I want to go visit Ann!

  6. Oh, Susan, I just love, love, love your dollhouse! I have a couple of dollhouses too and enjoy "playing" in them now and again. Yours even has miniature depression glass...amazing. I also love your photos of the mini-house; those are so difficult to take with all the tiny nooks and crannies to work around. Your thoughts on the first few weeks of college brought back memories for me too...wonderful experiences that fostered a life-log love of learning. I always enjoy my visits to your blog. ~Cheryl

  7. I am so excited and looking forward to your book. I love to read and love to dream so it sounds wonderful. I am currently reading a book written by a personal friend. It's about the disappearance of her son and his murder. She wrote it as to help with her healing. It tends to be a bit dark because of the circumstances of his life and unfortunate death. All that has ever been found is his jaw bone. Can not comprehend the pain of the loss of a child. On my to do list today is to take my 13 year old grandson to his golf lesson. Here is Texas football is everything but he has decided that he wants to be on the high school golf team and not do football. Enjoy your weekend and the begin of Fall. I will dig out my Fall decorations and look forward to cooling temps (not soon enough for me). Jill

    1. I cannot imagine the heart wrenching pain your friend has endured. I am sure that on some level her book has provided some element of healing. No words of comfort seem adequate. I think it's wonderful that your grandson wants to play golf! Far less dangerous and it is a lifelong sport he can enjoy. Also, if he is talented there is always the chance for a golf scholarship to college!

  8. Adorable!! I have a lot of work that I want to do on my doll house but i am thinking that i will not get around to it until the Winter.....


    1. Winter is a great time to work on a dollhouse Debbie!

  9. I'd rather like to walk thru your dollhouse ...

  10. I love that dollhouse. I have collected mini's for about 50 years, but no dollhouse. Thank goodness for the fairy garden craze because it's easier to find tiny things now. If you haven't visited and ordered their catalog before, you are in for a treat.
    Last time you showed us the dollhouse (Valentine's Day?) I was fascinated by the realistic flowers.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.