Saturday, September 5, 2015

Anxious for Autumn

It is beastly hot outside today.  We were planning to head into Houston
to do some shopping and have some fun, but honestly the weather
is so oppressive that we just decided to stay home.

I really hate to speed up time because it goes by fast enough, but
I would be so happy for a cool breeze.  Does not look like that is
going to happen any time soon here in south Texas.  So ....

I will just stay inside and look at some pics of fall that I have 
snapped in the past.  Ahhh ....  I feel better already.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It's hot here, as well, though probably not as hot as it is in your neck of the woods. I'm not ready for Autumn yet, thought the signs that's coming are everywhere. I promised myself, after our very long and tough winter, that I wouldn't complain about summer too much!

  2. Smart move! It is hot, isn't it? I'm ready for fall and I'm enjoying looking through magazines and seeing what all we have in store for us! Your photographs are making me anxious too! Enjoy your day Susan and Bentley!

    1. I love summer but there is something about fall with all it's color and festivities that just makes me happy. Apple cider, fall leaves crunching under our feet, pumpkin patches our big feast day in November. Oh and I forgot ~ Tartan everywhere!

  3. We are going into spring so are looking forward to the heat coming.

    1. If I had a home down under in addition to ours in Texas, I would have two springs! That would be really something. If you ever get tired of the season you are currently in, come visit me :-)

  4. I'm ready for some fall days here, but as warm as it still is, I can feel a touch of fall in the air. There is a hint of crispness. This morning we had a nice rain shower. Would have loved for it to be longer, but I never complain when we get rain.
    Happy Weekend!

    1. I noticed that crispness ~ although ever so briefly ~ the other night while I was talking Bentley for a walk. I don't complain about rain either. We had several rain showers last week and I was so happy about that.

  5. I feel your pain!!! It has been so humid here...I can't stand it!!! I just love to browse at all fall things through blogland...sigh...

    1. Oh yes and on Pinterest too. There are so many talented people!

  6. I totally understand, although you don't want to wish away summer, a break would be rather nice. Hope that you get the break and cool breeze that you are craving soon! We have had a bit of rain, and it was I am sending you cool breeze wishes.



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