Sunday, September 6, 2015

Green Acres Syndrome

This adorable farmhouse/cottage was featured a few years ago on my
 friend Becky's charming blog Sweet Cottage Dreams.  I am so 
smitten with precious homes like this one.  I long for a little place
something like this out in the country on a few acres.  

Just a little patch of heaven with a flower cutting garden and 
a vegetable patch and a few fruit trees.  A hammock hanging
between a couple of big old oak trees.  Chickens free ranging and
happily clucking away.  

A front porch complete with porch swing and a couple of 
rocking chairs.  A little table with a pitcher of sweet tea and
some freshly baked cookies.  

Baby goats climbing on the roof of the garden shed.  Bentley
running after them.  Just enough room for a little barn and a
horse named Oliver who will take Bentley and me on 
adventures up a country lane.

The inside of the house will have wide plank worn wood
floors and big overstuffed chairs that you can sink into and
 read a good book.  Simple cottage curtains at the windows
that move slowly with the breeze that enters through the 

Old patchwork quilts everywhere at the ready to chase off
an evening chill or just to be pretty draped on the back of
the sofa.  Cozy.

No television.  Only a record player to play old vinyl 
records that have better sound quality than our CD's.  
Perfect music for dancing around the worn wood floor
in your bare feet.  

The kitchen will have open shelves that display mixing
bowls ~ the vintage yellow ware kind.  Lots of well
worn and well loved wooden spoons.  Hand crocheted
pot holders and flour sack towels with little ruffles
of calico fabric added to their edges.  A big white
ironstone pitcher filled with daisies from the garden.

The kitchen will have an old farmhouse sink of course
and a big old gas range.  Several well seasoned 
cast iron skillets at the ready.

Upstairs just two simple bedrooms.  Old iron beds
and eiderdown too.  A bathroom with a claw foot
tub of course for a nice long soak in a lavender 
filled bath after a long day working in the garden.

This is "Green Acres Syndrome".  I have it bad 
and the only cure is to find a place something like
the one of my dreams.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I go there in my mind & I am happy, peaceful & content. This is a dream of mine as well. Thank you for painting such a lovely "picture" with your words. They took me away, if only in my mind, but lovely going there nonetheless.

  2. Sounds like Heaven! Wouldn't it be wonderful? We can dream, can't we?


  3. Sold !
    The most perfect little cottage, so cozy and inviting.
    Simply Magical.

  4. Oh, Susan, it sounds perfect, and you've dreamed it all down to the very last detail! Beautiful, I can see it all, too.
    Hope you find it someday soon.
    Hugs to you and Bentley,

  5. Sound pretty good, often wanted this myself.

  6. Replies
    1. I love it too and I am sure Bentley would also :-)

  7. First of all, Green Acres is one of my guilty pleasures that I have to admit I own DVDs of, lol! Second, I think your dream home sounds perfectly imperfect and a true slice of heaven! Jane

  8. Your are dreaming of the old days. I can relate to all those things you long for. Never happen today.

    1. In our own little world I believe it could LV. I know there are many of us who long for a simple and peaceful life. No McMansions required!

  9. Oh Susan, this is exactly what I would love to have someday too. I don't need anything extravagant in life - just simple, sweet, charming and cozy. The only thing I would add is a couple kitty cats!

    1. I would add kitty cats too but Bentley says no ;-)

  10. You spelled out a beautiful dream there, Susan! I could picture myself right there with you---well except I wouldn't be in the lavender soaked BATHTUB at the same time. lol What a beautiful post!!!! xo Diana

    1. You always crack me up! Thanks for stopping by and giving me a chuckle!!

  11. Boy o boy im stuck in that beautiful dream with you. My whole life I've dreamed of just that... Best morning post ive ever read... Thanks it just made my daysp feel so wonderful and to know im glad someone else dreams like me... Lobe n hugs Janice

    1. You are not alone Janice! Many of us have the same dream of a simple life in the country. Not that the country is without it's challenges, but somehow overcoming those challenges seems so much more worthwhile.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.