Sunday, October 11, 2015

Already Thinking About Christmas

I know it's really early yet.   We have not even celebrated
Halloween, but I am thinking ahead to decorating for
Christmas!  Last year was the first Christmas without my
Mom, and I just had a hard time getting into the spirit.  This
year I want to go all out.  Well, at least that is my intention.

It's the one time of the year when we get to focus on happy
memories and really feel like kids again.  Even if I feel like I
am in a minimalistic decorating mood, the spirit of the season
 always seems to take over.

Of course it's a little bit harder to get into the Christmas spirit when….
ho, ho, ho ~ there is no snow, but Texans just have a way of going
all out anyway :-)  Last year when we went to Houston for Thanksgiving,
everyone was putting up thousands of lights and it was just spectacular.

Last night I was talking to my next door neighbor about wrapping
all of our big old live oaks with hundreds of lights and we were
getting so excited about the prospect.

So I woke up this morning all enthusiastic about decorating 

And soon I will be taking inventory of decorations we already have and the theme
for this year.  It will be lots of work and lots of fun too.

But it will be a season full of decorating surprises here at Ash Tree Cottage.
That I can guarantee!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Really looking forward to it. :)

  2. You and hubby should come in for Zoo Lights .... amazing! I think Texans get carried away with decorating because we don't have snow and cold. Have to do something to get us into the mood!

    1. I think my three nieces who live in Houston go to that every year.

  3. Sorry for you's always hard on holidays...I still miss my Dad so much/ I'm sure you'll make Christmas season a beautiful one...can't wait to see what you do!!!

  4. I will look forward to all your fun decorations, Susan. I am sure your momma will be smiling down from Heaven as you embrace the Christmas season. it does take a while for Holidays to feel "right" when our family dynamics change and people we love are no longer with us. I am looking forward to the happy new memories you create. xo Diana

  5. Susan,
    I LOVED this post because as you know, I am a Christmas nut!! I loved all the vignettes you shared!!
    My Dad loved Christmas and he decorated with reckless abandon. I love Christmas as much as he did and I decorate like I do because i believe I am keeping his spirit alive and he is looking down from heaven and saying 'That a girl!"!!
    The first year without a parent is always the hardest. If your Mom enjoyed the Holidays then think of how she would have loved looking at all your beautiful decorations. You go girl and i can't wait to see what you will do this season!!


  6. It will be fun and joyous! I think the first year without our loved one is the hardest!

  7. It does take alot of planning to do great decorations. I love the lunchbox scene. I want to do one this year Good luck on your new ideas!

  8. Oh! So looking forward to your ideas. Two years ago I had major surgery and a very hard time finding any motivation. (Once upon a time out outdoor decorations were featured in the major Sunday paper here). Last year we traveled from Fl to Va to be with our first great grandchild on her first Christmas. She was just short of a month old. This year I'm determined to make our home the Christmas destination it used to be for our family.

  9. Susan, I am so sorry for your loss. Your vignettes are lovely! Wishing you peace and comfort! Blessings, Pam

  10. I am only at the thinking stage about Christmas. I have been checking the H & M website daily for their Christmas stuff to be featured. I bought some great pillows and napkins last year. The previous year, by the time I discovered H & M had Christmas stuff, most of the things I wanted were sold out.


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