Monday, October 12, 2015

I Have A Secret to Share With You

I lead a double life!  Blog writer by day and mystery reader by night ;-)
It all started out innocently enough …  first there was Nancy Drew and as I
grew older I became hooked on Agatha Christie mysteries.  I do believe I  have
read most of them at least once.  

I became fascinated with why people commit murder.  What entices them to
a life of crime and how they plot to get away with it.   The psychology and the
motivation of a murderer is what I want to read about.  Of course the setting is
always important to me.  It's all the more appealing if it happens in a quaint little
spot with charming participants.  I am a cozy kind of girl after all.

The criminal mind is so interesting to me that I took a one day seminar years ago
to learn what motivates the criminal and what steps they take to try to 
hide their actions.   I even have a certificate of completion :-)

I am hard at work on my very own first mystery where Bentley and I 
solve our first case together.  It's full of twists and turns and a pot or two
of tea as we burn the midnight oil trying to bring about justice for the victims.
Now instead of being blog writer by day and mystery reader by night, 
our little blog will be solving crimes too.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. How cool, Susan!! I'm proud of you.

  2. The Laura Childs tea shop books are some of my favorites :-)

  3. How fun. I love a good mystery and hope you publish your book. Deep down, I would like to be a writer. Good luck to you and Bentley!

  4. How fun. I love a good mystery and hope you publish your book. Deep down, I would like to be a writer. Good luck to you and Bentley!

  5. I share your love of mysteries and best wishes on your new crime solving career and book.

  6. Oh I love to write a mystery book, but it never gets started.

  7. Whoooo Hooooo, Susan. I just can't wait to see/read more of that! LOVE it! xo Diana

  8. Look forward to reading your mystery adventure. ;-)

  9. That was exciting... Can wait to see and read .... Have a wonderful day and week with love Janice

  10. I'm a mystery reader, too, and cozy mysteries are my favorites! I'm looking forward to reading yours.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.