Sunday, October 25, 2015

Happy at Home on a Rainy Day

We are so happy and cozy at home on a chilly and rainy Sunday morning.
David is having a morning nap and Bentley is comfy and cozy all curled up
on the sofa.  He really started to perk up last evening and wanted to play.
Such a good sign!  My goodness, we adore that little guy.

By the way, I know we should be at church, but I don't want to leave
Bentley alone just yet.  He would probably be just fine, but I am the
doting mama after all.

I know I have told y'all this before, but I sure do enjoy a rainy day.  I think,
well no, I know,  I inherited that from my Daddy.  He would sit in his favorite
chair or at his desk with a cup of coffee and Time magazine or the Wall Street
Journal and not surface for hours.  For me, it's with a good book.  I just started
reading Doing It at the Dixie Dew by Ruth Moose.  I only finished a chapter
last night before I fell asleep but I can't wait to get back to it.  It's about a 
woman who returns to her hometown to restore a grand old house and turn
it into a bed and breakfast and wouldn't you know ~ there is murder involved!
Need I say more?  Y'all know how much I love a good  mystery.  I was not
familiar with Ruth Moose before, but she is a talented writer who was on the
creative writing faculty at the University of North Carolina for years.  She
spins a good tale.

I  have a few things lined up for David on the Honey Do list
today.  He doesn't know it yet, but I will butter him up before I ask.
I have to take advantage of a rainy day since he won't be tossing
his sticks into the truck to head out to the golf course ;-)  Actually,
he really is good about helping me with a project once I ask.  I 
just have to keep the list short.  And if all else fails, he just has
to see me try to do it myself and then he steps in because he just
knows I will mess it up.  

I hope that y'all are enjoying this Sunday as much as I am.  I love being home
with my little family and I also know that you love that too.  Once again,
thank you so much for all the kind thoughts, prayers and words about
Bentley.  They are greatly appreciated!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. So happy Bentley is going to be fine. So scary for you to go through.

  2. You are a good doggie mama to your sweet Bentley. I like the floral pattern on your two comfy chairs and the room looks very inviting on a rainy day, especially with a cozy mystery to read and a dog to watch over.

  3. I have been thinking about you as Tx seems to be in weather news pretty much all the time the past several days. From what we have heard, I thought you might be floating down a river or a wall of water. So good to know you are all happily enjoying just a "rainy day" and not armageddon!! And YAY that Bentley is doing so much better. The scrappy ones are always strong!! 😄

  4. We too are enjoying a rainy Sunday here in Central Oregon. I like it too as we don't get that much rain here either. I feel more creative and have that "nesting" instinct too today. Glad little Bentley is doing well. My cat used to tangle all the time with raccoons. I have not been able to read your blog for the last month or so, due to my computer having some sort of virus... so today am finally getting caught up on your blog posts. I so enjoy your posts and love your cottage home! I want to read more on your storage organization just so I can see all of your gorgeous stuff - pinks and greens are MY faves. Have a wonderful day... and oh... that's how I get my honey "to do" things I need done... just go and start doing it myself, and it never fails.. he'll come and take over the task! Smart us!

  5. Hi Susan! I enjoy a rainy day sometimes too and I could really get cozy in that beautiful room! Again, I'm so glad to know little Bentley is on the mend. You are a good puppy mommy!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia :)

  6. Oh I adore being home in my cozy house on a rainy day! I'm sure glad your little Bentley is ok - poor little munchkin! I wonder if he learned anything from his wrestling match with the possum? 😏

  7. Rainy days like we had in NH are a rare treat here in Fl and I take full advantage of them. All husbands have the same idea about HoneyDo lists. They like quick little jobs but the big ones always get put the the end. The first year we were married (1966) we bought wallpaper for the bedroom in our apartment. After looking at it for months I finally decided to give it a try. I hung 4 perfect sheets all very nice lined up --- 3" from the ceiling. No matter what I stood on my 5'1" just couldn't stretch to the top. Now I only have to start something that I truly can't do and Brad just joins right in to help (while I slip out to the sewing machine).

  8. It is just beginning to rain here. We are not expected to get the amount of rain so many other states have gotten from hurricane Patricia. I pray for the continued safety of all those in the affected areas. BTY...the statue of the golden cocker spaniel in one of your pictures... I have the exact same one also.

  9. I spent the entire weekend curled up with a book. Love this rainy weekend we had! Love the cooler temps too. '-)
    Glad that Bentley has perked up.

  10. I am very relieved to hear he is all better!!

  11. I love rainy days also, but here in Phoenix we don't get them as often as I would like. I'm so glad Bentley is doing better!

  12. Rainy days are always a cozy day to curl up with a good book and a cup of tea. Curl up with Bentley and enjoy your Sunday!

  13. I loved the rain here in Texas too! I think I just needed a change! I did alot of baking and cooking during our little torrid rain! Glad to hear all is well with you. Curling up with a good book is a great idea any day!
    Blessings My Friend,


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.