Saturday, October 24, 2015

Our LIttle Patient ~ Bentley Update

Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers for Bentley.  He came back home this
morning from the vet's office.  The vet thinks (and I do too) that Bentley probably ran
into the possum's tooth while he was charging and the tooth caught the eyelid.  That is
where the puncture is.  There is some blood in the eye, but that is supposed to go away
on it's own.  Bentley is not fusing with his eye so he does not have to wear a cone.

He is on three prescription drugs, an oral antibiotic, pain and anti-inflammatory meds
and an antibiotic cream that I have to put in his eye.  He is really good about taking
everything and he especially likes the pain killer/anti-inflammatory because he
thinks it's a treat :-)

We are so happy to have him back home and to know that he will be just fine
once again.  It's been raining really hard all day, which is a blessing because
otherwise he would want to go out and hunt for the possum again.  That's just
the way our little scrapper is.  I have other ideas and will be watching him like
a hawk when the rain stops which won't be for a couple of days.

Thank you once again.  I was so scared yesterday while trying to separate
Bentley from the possum.  We love our little guy so much and want the
best for him always.  Just wish he wouldn't be so darn brave sometimes.

Bentley sends you all kisses!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Wonderful news, Susan. It's always so scary when there is an injury to the eye. Tell Bentley not to be so big for his britches. lol, hugs, Deb

  2. Wonderful news, Susan. It's always so scary when there is an injury to the eye. Tell Bentley not to be so big for his britches. lol, hugs, Deb

  3. Great news, so glad he is ok.

  4. Susan,
    So glad to hear that Bentley is safe and sound back home and embraced in your loving arms!! I will continue to say prayers wishing him well!!


  5. I know how you feel. That's really good news . Glad Bentley will be OK

  6. Oh my gosh...just read this! How is he doing??

  7. Oh my gosh...just read this! How is he doing??

  8. This is such good news! Get well little Bentley!
    Shelia :)

    1. I came thru here cause I couldn't comment from the regular link.
      I couldn't not comment how happy I am little Bentley is getting better dear friend. It's so sad what happened to him, I didn't know!
      Get well soon!

  9. YAY!! So glad to hear he is doing better. I hope that Opossum is long gone...

  10. Hi Susan and Bentley - Big hugs to you and happy prayers for a speedy recovery! XOXO Holly

  11. Hello, I just started reading your blog and I wanted to send get better wishes to Bentley. He is just the cutest little dog ever and boy what a tough little guy! :-)

  12. So so glad to hear this news! Poor Bentley! Bad possum!

  13. Great news!!! So glad Bentley is back home!

  14. Whooo Hoooo! I had a feeling he was going to be just fine. That is wonderful news. Now you can sleep tonight! xo Diana

  15. So glad to hear Bentley's going to be fine, Susan! What a cute picture of him!! :-D Those possums are fearsome creatures, and our little terriers are fearLESS. They were bred to hunt those sorts of varmints, after all.

    Get well wishes from Denise and Duncan!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  16. So glad he is okay...he is such a sweetie.

  17. So glad he is okay...he is such a sweetie.

  18. He looks pretty comfy all snuggled up in the pillows. Glad he's home and doing well.

  19. No more possum time for Bentley!! Glad he's better too!

  20. So glad he is healing and doing so well. Poor baby. I do not like possums at all.

  21. Poor Bentley...I wish he did not have to stay away last night. So stressful....Bentley, you are such a brave one, big man. Good for you. Get well soon.

  22. So happy Bentley is thought to be on the mend. The poor little guy. At least he gets to be home now. xoxo Su

  23. Oh Susan, how terrible. Poor sweet Bentley. I am so happy that he is on the mend and you have him back home again. xo Laura

  24. Glad to hear Bentley is recovering from his encounter with the possum, Susan. Good news!


  25. Great news. So glad Bentley will be fine!

  26. Susan, I am so glad to hear that Bentley is on the mend. He's a brave little scrapper like Chico. I am very afraid of Chico running into a possum or racoon out here and we know that Chico would be just like Bentley, the fearless warrior. Chico sends a woof to Bentley~!


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