Monday, November 16, 2015

Finding Peace During Troubled Times

I had planned on posting yesterday, but given the tragic events in Paris,
it just seemed like a frivolous thing to do.  I cannot bring myself to 
talk about decorating or recipes when so many have lost their 
lives to terrorists and those who remain in Paris don't have a sense
of security.

I have prayed quite a bit this weekend.  Living with constant fear is a
terrible existence.  I was reminded of the 91st Psalm and read it over
and over.  It gives me comfort and for those who are worried or
afraid, or those who mourn, I hope they will be comforted too.  I  
don't usually quote Bible verses, but this time I feel it is appropriate.

He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide
under the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God;
in him I will trust.

Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler and from
the noisome pestilence.

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shall
thou trust; his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow
that flieth by day;

Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the
destruction that wasteth at noon day.

A thousand shall fall at they side, and ten thousand at thy
right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of
the wicked.

Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High,
thy habitation;

There shall be no evil befall these, neither shall any plague come nigh
thy dwelling.

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all ways.

They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot
against a stone.

Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon
thou shalt trample under feet.

Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore I will deliver him.
I will set him on high because he hath known my name.

He shall call upon me, and I will answer him:  I will be with him in
trouble, I will deliver him and honour him.

With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation.

~ King James Version, Psalm 91

We live in troubled times.  I fear that things will get worse.  We
need to turn our hearts to the Lord.  I know that some of you may
not have found strength from reading the Bible.  All I can say to 
you is that I have been through many tragedies in my life.  I have
strayed and sought strength in other ways.  However, it has only
been through dependence on God's Word that I have ever 
found true and lasting peace.  It is my hope that you may
come to know the same peace I have found.

God Bless us all and Vive la France.

Susan and Bentley


  1. So true, Susan. He is our only true source of strength. This was a beautiful post and the perfect selection of Scripture to accompany it.

  2. Beautiful post and heartfelt words. I think we all needed that.

  3. I agree, it is a beautiful post for these trying times. I have had a life full of struggles and challenges too... and there is no higher comfort nor strength than that which comes from Him that soothes our soul. No matter what faith we believe in or religion we follow, I believe it is the same... the One and Only, He that comforts and gives us inner peace. I pray He gives comfort to those that need his strength now more than ever. Bless you all. Peace.

  4. Thank you for this post. I've always loved that Psalm, esp. the verse...."He shall cover thee with his feathers", gives me chills every time!!! We are in very troubled times......our only refuge is in the Lord......

  5. God has often spoken to me through Psalm 91. He will keep in perfect peace he whose mind is stayed on Him. In times like this, I cling to His promises! Love the berries and fall florals in the enamel pot.

  6. I thought a lot about those victims in France too. Finding it difficult to do regular things in my day. Example, Saturday I received dog treats ( vegan) for an upcoming trip to daughter's house. People and dogs vegan, not cats. Anyway they were all crushed, I salvaged five whole treats. I was a bit miffed...but I felt I could not complain to Amazon who had changed their page to the French flag. Then I thought , Yes this is what Freedom allows me to do. Freedoms many died for and still do albeit the innocent. Be free.

    1. Sometime we all get miffed over the silliest things, but at times like these we are reminded about what is truly meaningful.

  7. Well written, Susan. We indeed live in a very troubled world. Reading His Word gives me strength.

  8. Beautiful and appropriate selection. You don't ever need to apologize for quoting scripture. Matthew 24:35 says, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." The only constant in this trouble filled world.

    1. Thank you. I try not to be "preachy" but if I can help someone I am glad.

  9. Beautyful Psalm.thanks for reminding us of His kindness and protection.
    If I may where can I find that set of dinnerware.Ive saw it a lot on here and I love it.

    1. This was my mother's favorite scripture. I read it at her funeral. Thank You for posting it.

  10. That was a lovely post, Susan. Thank you

  11. Susan, thank you for your beautiful and timely post of a beautiful Psalm. I played bridge with a group at church yesterday. I started not to go, but my spirits were lifted by being with friends. We started out talking about the Paris tragedy, then, by unspoken agreement, the subject was changed and we talked about the usual-family, sunshine after a long rainy season, etc. I am so thankful for friends!

  12. Lovely post of my favorite and OFTEN read Psalms!!
    Blessings to you and hug for Bentley.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.