Thursday, November 12, 2015

Sweet Violets

Down a green and shady bed
A modest violet grew;
Its stalk was bent, it hung its head,
As if to hide from view.

And yet is was a lovely flower,
Its colors bright and fair,
It might have graced a rosy bower,
Instead of hiding there.

Yet it was content to bloom,
In modest tints arrayed;
And there diffused a sweet perfume,
Within the silent shade.

Then let me to the valley go,
This pretty flower to see;
That I may also learn to grow
In sweet humility.

~ Jane Taylor

You can read more poetry here:

In our hectic world, a bit of poetry helps to 
slow the mind and free the soul.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I like violets and poetry so thanks for this post and your photos.

  2. Love the dishes! Just perfect for tea or lunch with a special friend.

    1. The dishes are sweet. I picked them up at a consignment shop several years ago. Didn't need them, but could not pass them up. I am sure you know that feeling ;-)

  3. What a lovely table - I adore those glasses and anything with violets wins my heart!

  4. I love that sweet poem...and sweet violets are my favorite small spring flower. They always make me think of my childhood on the farm when I would wait for them to bloom on the hill across from the house. I could not wait to pick a bunch for the kitchen windowsill. A memory making post for me. xo Diana

  5. Susan how lovely that poem and your lovely pictures are ! : ) What a sweet contrast to here in PA right now with high winds and leaves swirling outdoors ! :)

    1. I heard about your high winds. Our temps have dropped a bit once again. I don't need the air conditioning running right now. What a delightful change!

  6. Overtime I see that picture of Bentley I have to smile. I know he is the love of your life. The violet filled china reminds me of days gone by...especially the days of my mom. She loved the violets and the little tea cups. This was a dear post.

    1. Yes, Bentley is our little love! I bought the violet luncheon set at a consignment shop several years ago. It matches a few pieces that I inherited from my Grandmother. What luck!

  7. Such pretty china! I am very partial to violets. I have them in my garden and just love seeing them bloom in the spring. I enjoyed the poem too. Thank you.

    1. When we lived in Idaho there were violets that grew wild all over my back garden in the spring. Oh how I loved them and I miss them down here in Texas. I am glad that you enjoyed the poem.

  8. Sweet! I've always loved violets. They are so delicate. I wish we could easily grow them in Texas.

  9. Love the violet dishes and the lovely poetry.

  10. I love sweet shy violets! Beautiful Susan! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!

  11. That is the china of my dreams! I love the poetry! Thanks for posting so much beauty!


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