Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Making Christmas Minis and the Giveaway Winner!

I bet y'all were thinking I would never be back.  Or perhaps you were
thinking ~ what has happened to Susan and Bentley???  Even my next
darling next door neighbor Catherine asked me what happened?  When
will the next blog post be published?

Here's what's been going on.  It has been so nice out that I have been
spending almost all my time outside working in the garden.  It's the first
opportunity to do that in months.  We had several days of beautiful,
cooler and less humid weather.  I happily worked away for hours.  I worked
so hard that I had to take an aspirin every night for muscle aches ….

I loved it!!!

Now the weather has reverted to it's soggy, humid and sultry ways and I
am back inside working on other projects.  Right now I am starting on 
Christmas decorations for the miniature rooms.  I'm so exited about these
projects.  I think we will do take out tonight because I have been so busy
with these projects.  Thankfully I have an understanding husband who
lets me be creative and doesn't mind that he has an absent minded wife ;-)

And now for the big announcement of the winner of last week's 
lighted Christmas Garland giveaway,  drum roll please ….

Laura of Simple and Serene Living!

Congratulations Laura.  Please contact me with your mailing address so
I can have this garland forwarded to you.

Thank you for everyone who participated!  I only wish I had enough
garlands to give away so that all of you could win.  We'll try another
giveaway soon.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Congratulations to Laura! Stay cool ... cool is on its way again soon.

  2. Happy to hear Laura has won! I have a wreath from the same company as a giveaway on my blog. Last day to enter and I'll pick a winner tomorrow! Love your mini's!!!

  3. There is just something so satisfying about working outside and seeing everything look all nice and neat and trimmed into order. Well worth the aches and pains (most times).
    Congrats to Laura. I know she will be thrilled. xo Diana

    1. I so agree. Working outside brings me lots of satisfaction.

  4. Congrats Laura... I love being in the Garden. Mine is ready for clean up. I did a little bit but still have more. We have to get out there when body permitts it and the weather cooperates... Have a wonderful evening with love Janice

    1. Mine always seems to be ready for cleanup :-) We have lots of huge live oak trees!

  5. Happy for Laura! Love your Christmas miniatures! Susan

    1. Thank you. Lots more Christmas miniatures on the way!


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