Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Cloudy Day ~ Sunny Attitude

It's cloudy and gray outside today.  The news is terrible.  Stock market
is down another 500 points.  The price of oil continues to slide.  Terrorist
attacks.   Presidential candidates slinging mud.  Our nation is trillions
of dollars in debt.  More and more Americans are out of the workforce.

Yet ...

When I look outside my windows I see that my everlasting azaleas are 
still blooming.  Life goes on.  The seasons change.  There will be
sunny days ahead.  We will get through this just as we have
survived many storms in our past.  

I choose to be positive and hopeful.  I choose to be happy and look
for that silver lining.  I choose to be kind and helpful to everyone.
I choose to maintain my sunny attitude despite the storms that come
our way.  Keep your chins up y'all.  We will get through this 
together.  I believe in the power of prayer, so join me in praying
for sunny days and goodness and kindness and happiness
for all.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Very well said. Are you sure you weren't peaking into my mind there? Even though I am unemployed and looking for a job I choose to be happy and look for the silver lining, too. It is my nature to be positive with a glass is half full attitude. I am so blessed in so many ways. God is so good. We will get through these trying times with his love and guidance. How wonderful it is to have him to lean on. Here's to the sun coming out this weekend!!!

  2. So true, so true! What a gorgeous back yard Susan! Love the little white lights around your huge trees! Stay warm and thank you for the positive message today! Hi Bentley!

  3. Beautiful, Susan, very nice post, dear lady. Thank you.

    I see a blustery grey - but beautiful - very snowy day out my window today. I will imagine you hear by the fire sipping tea with me, and I will imagine my visiting you to see Bentley and your azaleas blooming. OK? ♥

  4. Oh you have a pretty yard and I like your graceful trees. Hard times are here and growing, and good times are all around too. You are in tune with Philippians 4:8 "Whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are pure ... If there be any virtue and if there be any praise, think on these things."

    1. Thank you for that verse! The Word gives me strength.

  5. I'm really tired of the negativity I hear every day. Let's throw some positive vibes out into the universe instead! Gonna get cold again ... have your tea ready!

    1. I am ready for some cold weather again. I'll have the tea ready and logs stacked up in the fireplace!

  6. I feel the way you do, Susan, and staying positive is one thing we CAN control...that's a good thing!

    Thanks for the visit, I have to look up that author.


    1. You are right Jane ~ we can be in control of our attitude.

  7. It's the only thing we can do Susan, hope and pray! Your view looks pretty though when gazing out the window.

  8. It's the only thing we can do Susan, hope and pray! Your view looks pretty though when gazing out the window.

  9. I'm with you, Susan. We have to keep a positive attitude and make an effort to see all the good in the world.

    1. I think we Lone Star Ladies have an obligation to promote smiles!

  10. Yes, we are indeed in a gloomy state...Mr. Sweet and I pray constantly for our country and all the people. We are so olden that we've seen good times and bad times before...we do think we are in about the worst state we've ever seen.
    There's a lot to be said to keeping up spirits...smiling...going on with every day life...just remember to pray all during the day and night...pray while we clean house...pray while we watch tv...praying is the most powerful thing we can do to help our country regain her feet....
    xoxo and hugs to Bentley, too. :)

    1. I agree with you BJ ~ we need to pray every day and at every opportunity. I thank God for all my blessings and put my trust in his hands.

  11. Beautiful post, Susan! You have such a lovely yard!


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