Thursday, January 21, 2016

Immersed in a Good Book

I have been meaning to read this book for quite a long time.
The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton.  Somehow other books
rose to the top of the list, and this one sadly was forgotten.
Recently I read a friend's list of favorite books and I headed 
to our Victoria Public Library and checked it out.  

It's a wonderful historical novel beginning in London.  The 
year is 1913 and a very young girl is abandoned on a ship
headed for Australia.  A husband and his wife take her into
their home in Australia and treat her as their own, yet she
is haunted by memories of her origins and a generational
search begins to uncover the truth from the few memories
and leads she possesses.

It's a good long read and I am happy for that because I am
totally immersed!  I also checked out Kate's other novels,
Distant Hours and The House at Riverton.  I will be happily
reading away for hours and hours and hours.  If you have
not read The Forgotten Garden,  I do recommend it
and hope you enjoy it if you do indeed check out a copy.

I also want to take this opportunity to remind you to please
support your local library.  The library is a tremendous 
resource for all ages and a cornerstone of every community.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I just finished reading 'The Forgotten Garden' and it was so very good. I'm glad you are enjoying it. I haven't read her other books but they will join my ever growing to be read list.

  2. Another book to add to my ever growing list!! Thanks, Susan!

  3. Ok. Put it on the list. Hoping the library has it. I agree best free thing ever.

  4. I loved The Forgotten Garden and Kate Morton's other books. She really knows how to spin a tale! Happy reading! ♥

  5. Just checked out 2 of Susan Branches books; The Fairy Tale Girl & A Fine Romance, Falling in love with the English Countryside. I couldn't put the Fairy Tale Girl down & now I'm enjoying the other one almost as much. I love Susan's watercolor art. I work across the street from a library in Seattle. Very convenient.

  6. Sounds like a great book Susan! I love our library and visit every time I get in the mood to read. I confess, I am a 'mood' person, sometimes it's sewing, sometimes it's crafting and sometimes it's reading!! Have a great day and give Bentley a big hug from me!!

  7. I just realized that I have this book! It was one of many that I picked up at a thrift store. Can't wait to read it!

  8. I will have to look for Morton's other books, as I am just getting into THE LAKE HOUSE which I think is her newest. It arrived today from B&N. It too is set in England, beginning with a mysterious even in 1933. I think I am hooked!


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