Thursday, March 3, 2016

Playing in the Potting Shed

Let me show you the way to the potting shed.  Through the breezeway
and out the stone path past the quiet garden with the duck guarding the
succulents, we will make our way through some thick ginger and 
arrive at the potting shed.  It's in it's own private space behind the
garage and separated from the back yard with a fence.  

Here we are now.  The potting shed mascot is a sweet little gecko who
lives inside, but comes out to visit the garden and find some dinner.
I don't know if it's a boy or girl, but I am calling him George for now.
If I should discover it's a female, I will rename her Gracie.

So sweet don't you think?  Of course, he will scoot away and hide as
soon as I open the door.

I have been enjoying spending an hour or two each day organizing
and pulling things out that I want to store in here.  It's really been
fun.  So much fun that I don't really want to do anything else, but
of course, life calls with it's other duties.  C'est dommage.

David doesn't really understand why I need so much stuff, but honestly
I do!  I suppose to many it's just junk, but to me they are one of a kind
treasures.  For example ~ look at this old chair in the foreground.  I
found it years ago at a garage sale.  I always intended to restore it, but
somehow never did.  I even thought of leaving it in the garage in our
old house, but those efficient movers put it on the truck to Texas and
I am so thankful they did!  It's an old friend.  Same with these old
faded pillows in the foreground.  Sweet beloved old friends.

This potting shed is not totally practical.  Rather, it is a whimsical spot
where some practical things, some frivolous things, and just for fun things
live too.  Who really wants to be a grown up all of the time?  Certainly
not me.  This is like a garden playhouse where our imaginations
can just run wild!

I have thought and thought about the colors for this shed.  I have decided to
go with off white and I am going to stain the rafters. See that wall behind the
armoire?  That is where I want a carpenter to install a big window.  

I have been thinking about what I want to do with the plywood floor and I
have decided that the most inexpensive way to go is to paint it.  I am thinking
of taping the floor off into squares and painting a green and white checkerboard
pattern.  However, if I find a slate like tile that's not too expensive, I will
use that.

Sometimes I just like things to sit for a bit until the whole image 
becomes clear in my mind.

That's all for now.  I have played long enough.  Thanks for
indulging me.  Now I need to get busy and rake up a couple of bags
of live oak leaves.  All the live oaks are shedding their leaves now and
it is raining leaves in my yard.  Most of you rake leaves in the fall.
In South Texas, we rake leaves in March.  Texas just loves to be
unique ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. You have a perfectly wonderful potting shed and a delightful attitude to go with it! I think the colors you are choosing to paint it will be lovely. Looking forward to seeing the charm of it all once it is finished!

  2. So sweet. Isn't that the way it is suppose to be? Some objects that we are drawn to make it so special and unique. xoxo Su

  3. How would we complete our projects if we didn't have all of our favorite things?
    Your potting shed looks like a wonderful retreat.

    Thank you for sharing this with all of us at Thoughts of home on Thursday.

  4. Love the old chair & your little white cabinet. I think slate for the floor is a splendid idea. It would be cool to your barefeet if you slipped of your shoes.

  5. It's like another little spot to play house and I'd like to have one too. :)

    You remind me about the Live Oak leaves. Ours aren't falling yet but it will come. They mowed our yard for the first time today and it's so pretty.

    Thank you for joining Thoughts of Home on Thursday. Are you on the Lone Star Sisters Facebook page? We are having a Bluebonnet Blog Hop on March 11th and we'd love for you to join us. Just a snazzy name for a spring linky. Email me if you want to join.

  6. There is nothing like a real potting shed, is there? Hard to believe you are raking leaves and we are shoveling snow still.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for vvisitng and leaving me a message for my hubby. xo Diana

  7. That would be VISITING!!!!not wisiting!

  8. I think it's just wonderful to have a place of our own, where we can play til our heart's content.
    I am going to make a sign for our little green house like your Potting Shed.....and, if the wind EVER stops blowing, spray painting my little potting bench..the sun faded the red so 4 cans of bright red paint should fix her right up...every morning, I go to the front door to ck the wind and every morning, it is blowing like crazy. I've never been so ready for on the plains of West Texas, spring is a hard time of wind blowing and SAND I want to skip thru spring and land right into summer.

  9. Oh what a lovely place. I envy you. LOL. I'm actually afraid of gecko's. There were tree lizards around my house growing up and they would scoot into the house. They always scared me.
    I'm sure George/Gracie is very sweet though. I didn't realize maybe ours were guards too!
    Thanks for sharing you little treasures. Maybe I'll have a garden shed one day. I'm your neighbor in DFW.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.