Monday, March 7, 2016

Feeling Sad and Blue

I had originally planned to post this new addition to the guest room.
I mounted a square of fabric on a cardboard frame and put it in a pretty
little easel.  Yes it's blue, but I will tell you why I feel sad today ….

There are three reasons why today is a blue Monday.

Firstly, I learned of the passing of a blogging friend, Sally of Smiling Sally.
Sally was a lovely blogger and a very good friend to many.  For those
of you who don't know, she hosted a party each Monday called Blue Monday.
I joined her party over the years and she was one of those wonderful hostesses
who always took the time to comment on everyones entries.  Thank you for
many happy memories Sally.  I know that you are smiling down at us
from Heaven now.  May you rest in peace.

Then I learned that one of my very favorite authors, Pat Conroy, passed away just
this past Friday, from pancreatic cancer.  Such a loss for us all.  His writing was
so beautiful and each word was meant to be savored and enjoyed.  I plan to re-read
all of his books and will be sad that he has left us far too soon.

And finally, I am sad that Downton Abbey has ended.  I was in tears
last night and I looked over at David and he was too.  We became
so involved with the lives of all the characters and Sunday evenings at
our home will not be the same without them.  Thank goodness for
dvds!  Despite our tears, it was a very happy ending for all and
I even forgave Barrow for all his past transgressions.

It's a very cloudy day here.  We are expecting rain which we really need.
On a sunny day, this room is filled with sunlight from three directions.
It's a bit like a garden room with the large windows over looking the
front, side and backyards.  It's a great spot to read or listen to music.

Life changed for the inhabitants of Downton Abbey, and it changes
for us too.  Sometimes the changes make us sad, but there are new
friends and new things on the horizon that will bring smiles to us
once again.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. When I first read the title I was afraid as so many have loss pets lately. Glad Bentley is well! I am sad about Sally although I only knew "of " her and not personally. All bloggers are special people bringing joy to others. I hope you have a lovely week in that darling home!

    1. Bentley is very well and happy. Sally's passing is a loss for many of us. Her health has been poor for the past few years, but it's hard to say goodbye to a sweet friend.

  2. I heard about Sally. How terribly sad. I knew Pat Conroy had cancer. I did not know that he had passed. Such a loss. I don't watch much TV, so I never watched this show you speak of.

    1. Brenda, you should go to your local library and check out the Downton Abbey dvds. I am quite sure you will enjoy the beautifully written and acted episodes. It's a period drama, but the topics are timeless and the zingers are superb!

  3. Thanks so much for this tribute to our Smiling Sally. We will miss her terribly. I will be linking it up to my tribute posts along with others....

    Happy Blue Monday in honor of our Sally...


    1. Thank you for linking me up. Sally's passing is a sad day for fellow bloggers and her family. She was a great gal!

  4. You have three very good reasons to feel a bit emotional this Monday.
    I didn't know Sally but I am so impressed by the love for her of all who did.

    1. She was a very kind and generous lady. I am happy that I got to know her.

  5. Hi Susan, Sally was such a wonderful blogging friend and will be dearly missed. I added a link to your post today from my post saying goodbye to Sally.

  6. Oh, Susan, blogland will just not be the same without our smiling Sally! She was such a dear. I'm sorry about the passing of your author too! What are we going to do without DA? It was wonderful last night. It seemed a little rushed and I guess they had to do that since it was the last show.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. I too thought it seemed a bit rushed with the tying up of so many storylines. I don't know what we will do. I have heard however, that a new period drama will begin soon and this one is based on the works of Anthony Trollope. So we will have something similar to Downton on the horizon!

  7. Cloudy all the way up to the DFW/Tyler area. Little spits of rain. I'm blue, too. Joey Feel died Friday. If you don't if her, she sang country, Christian, & Hymns. A very beautiful voice. She left a sweet 2 yo. That made my heart ache. I know she's happy in Heaven because she was ready to go!

    1. Yes, I did hear about Joey's passing. It too is very sad. She died far too young and left a darling little one without a mama.

  8. Such a sweet tribute Susan. Sally was a unique individual and a gracious hostess at Blue Monday. Not many true hearts like her. She really cared for people and enjoyed our company. I will always think of Sally when I find something blue. She made me smile so many Monday's. We had a freak snow come thru when they predicted rain. It was so cold and I had just had a good cry over losing Sally when my hubby asked me to tape the TV special on Peyton Manning's retirement. Than he made me cry and I had just purchased a brand new mascara at the store. I had to laugh because I needed some happy tears too. Good thing that mascara held up so well. Anyway it has been a sad week with lots of losses and we know Sally is enjoying the company of Our Lord and is now pain free. I will just think of her when I see blues. Thanks Susan, your share today was lovely. xoAnne

    1. Sally was a special lady. Although she will be missed, I too believe that she is now pain free and at home with Our Lord.

  9. Hello Susan, Thank you for your visit today. This is a lovely tribute to Sally today. She was a very special person and I miss her so much. Sally has so many friends in Blogland and her loss has been a shock to everyone. She did not want the sympathy and sadness so she wanted her illness kept very private. So like her to not want her friends too know. She home with our Lord and at peace now.

    I enjoyed your lovely photos Of your home and Bentley is adorable. We too are sad about the last of Downton Abbey and the wonderful characters and stories. The happy ending made us happy and sad as well.


  10. I was sad to see the end of Downton too. I thought it was lovely that Barrow was forgiven and welcomed back to the house. Such a good ending!

    1. Barrow changed so much over the past season. I enjoyed watching him play with the kids. The servants in those grand old homes were so much more than employees, they became a family. When they lost their jobs, they lost their whole world. It was a lovely ending, and I will miss all of them. I would love to have the story continue with Edith's new life and her interest in the publishing world.

  11. Oh what a sweet post. I heard about Sally on Saturday. I was very sad too. She wrote a beautiful post to leave us that I linked on my blog. You did write an encouraging post as well. Thank you.

  12. Your guest room is truly wonderful, congrats on your good taste, my sweet friend !
    I'm so sorry for the loss of your blog friend, may her rest in Peace !

    Have a lovely remainder of your week,
    sending much love to you


  13. I, too, have had an off week with unexpected losses which makes me realize how important it is to cherish each day filled with what we love.

    1. I am so sorry for your loss. Death makes us remember that our time is so precious and we all need to make the most of the time we have. Thanks for your visit!

  14. I so agree with you on Downton Abbey. We have a couple of seasons (because we couldn't wait to see it on a few of the seasons) but we are waiting for a "complete" set so we can buy the whole thing all in one package. Just watched The Prince of Tides again (about 4th time) recently and told hubby then that I needed to buy all his books. That was a sad passing. Last, but not least, your sunny room is beautiful.


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