Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Tending My Garden

It's very warm and humid today, and storms are brewing just
to the west of us that will arrive later this evening.  

It's okay, we need the rain.  I would love to be outside
working in the dirt, but it probably won't be until the 
weekend before the skies clear up again.  So ....

I will just have to work on indoor projects until then.  I am 
thinking about painting the armoire in our master bedroom.
I haven't mentioned this idea to David yet.  Of course if he
decides to read this post, he will soon hear about it ;-)  He
read my blog post yesterday and teased me about telling
y'all that he was teary eyed watching the final episode
of Downton Abbey.  So, here is my disclaimer:
David is a big tough guy, but he has a soft heart.  I 
have always thought that his tender side is endearing.
It doesn't make him any less of a big strong man to
show a bit of emotion now and then.  It just makes me
love him all the more.  Bentley loves him too.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley



  1. Hi Susan and Bentley your flowers look great. My garden is just mud and a few daffs at the moment.
    Looking forward to the good weather.
    Rosezeeta x

  2. Very pretty! Rain sounds so nice right now! And I am sure both my husband and I teared up watching the Downton finale, too! I think I need to start over with season one!

  3. That's sweet. Your planters look wonderful. xoxo Su

  4. So pretty, Susan! You are just a little ahead of us in the garden but it's getting prettier by the day here too.

    Have I already asked you this....did we invite you to the Lone Star Sisters Facebook Group?

  5. It is so pretty here today but it's still March so I will wait to plant things outside!

  6. Oh I wrote almost the same post. I wanted to be out digging in the dirt too! The sun is shining right now but not sure how long it will last. I might can get a few carrot seeds planted if I hurry.
    I am attempting a balcony garden this year. We're in an apartment. Wish me luck!
    I enjoyed your beautiful flowers and your post.


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