Friday, April 1, 2016

The Sweetest Little Library

Last weekend while visiting the antique show in Round Top, we 
noticed something that we had never noticed before on our visits to
the show ~ The Round Top Family Library!

As a big lover and supporter of public libraries, I was thrilled to
make this discovery ~ the most charming library in what looked to
be an old church.  The building was indeed an old abandoned 
church that was moved to it's current spot and completely restored
with the aid of very generous benefactors.  Round Top is the 
smallest town in Texas with a full service library!  

What began as a children's evolved into a family library ~ The Round Top
Family Library.  It's become a gathering place for residents of all ages, where
knowledge can be shared and treasured.  I cannot think of a better structure than
a church to house a library because to me a library is a spiritual space where
our minds can be challenged and expanded.  A restful place removed from 
life's duties and worries where one can escape into the words of famous
authors, explorers, scientists and theologians too.  A place for little children
to learn and grow in wisdom.  

It's a place that residents can look to with pride.  A place where all are 
welcome.  A place to volunteer and share talent and interests.

This is the garden and children's playground just across the driveway.  
Lovely ~ don't you agree?

The activities center.  

Such a pretty and shady spot to share a visit with a friend.

If you would like to learn more about how this charming library
came to be, watch the video below.

And for more information, please head to the

Reading is very important.  I was saddened to see current
statistics about how many people do not read.  Please
remember to read to your children and or your grandchildren.
If you don't have kids, and as you know I do not, you
can volunteer to read to kids.  I have and it is so rewarding!

Y'all have a great weekend!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. How sweet! Thanks for stopping by😀

  2. What a wonderful library and community gathering place. Beautiful photos too!

    1. It always makes me happy to see active libraries!

  3. What wonderful benefactors to create this family library. Churches and libraries are both dear to me and this post makes me smile.

    1. Two places that are near and dear to many of us. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. My gosh! What a TREASURE!!! That place is absolutely beautiful as are the grounds and outbuildings! WOW! I am happy to say that my grandchildren like to read..and I read to my kids when they were little. I have also read for 'books for the blind' and found that to be very rewarding, too.

    Thank you, too, Susan, for your sweet comments for my hubby's recovery and prayers. They are much appreciated. xo Diana

    1. I applaud you for reading "books for the blind". Another worthy cause. Keeping you and your dear husband in my prayers.

  5. Hi Susan! Oh, what a sweet little library and I so agree with you. A library is a spiritual place. We've moved so much during our married life and the first thing I would do was to visit the library and get my card! ;) Thanks for popping in to see me and how is little Bentley?
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. It's the first thing I do too! Bentley is great. Just as sweet and feisty and funny as ever. He's my heart with four legs :-)

  6. What a generous and farsighted contribution to the community. A library is in the two three most important institutions in any community, in my opinion. This is a beautiful one!
    How I wish I could visit Round Top!

  7. Beautiful!! This post brought back many memories of when I used to take my children to the library here which is located in a magnificent Gothic cathedral style church! I have not been there for many years but now I really want to go back again .....
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!


  8. I will visit Round Top someday (daughter and I had planned to go this time but other things happened) and when I do, I sure hope to see this pretty library.

  9. What a romantic building, recalling the little churches of the first Far West villages, and what an important gift to the community, as well, a library is such an important place, especially for children !

    Thank you for sharing this so lovely place with us, darling Susan,
    sending blessings of joy to you


  10. what a darling place. wouldn't it be wonderful to live in such an environment?


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.