Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Bentley Takes Us on a Beach Vacation

Bentley decided that we needed a long weekend ~ well, not exactly.  David played in two 
separate golf tournaments in Corpus Christi and he thought it would be fun if Bentley
and I tagged along, so we did.  We love to stay at Omni Hotels because they are so pet 
friendly and do their best to make Bentley comfortable.  This note was in our suite 
when we arrived last Wednesday evening.  They left some freshly baked heart shaped
dog treaties too.  Bentley was indeed feeling like a VIP ~ very important pet that is!

He had his own pet bowls too.  Some little guy certainly was feeling like a king :-)

We took lots of long walks on the seawall and that meant lots
of naps too.  He is about to nod off.  Bentley loved sleeping  
in the sunshine that streamed through the big windows
overlooking the bay.  

We were up on the 18th floor and had two sets of sliding glass
doors out to balconies on two sides, so the views were
spectacular.  We could watch sail boats and shrimpers going out to
sea.  We saw big tankers coming in, followed by tugs.  There was
a wind surfing championship too.  

See that "look" on Bentley's face?  That's his ~ quit taking pics of me
mama look because it's nap time don't you know.   Ah, the life of a
beloved Yorkie.  There were quite a few other dogs at the hotel and
Bentley made some new friends.  I enjoyed hanging out by the
pool which is something I really love to do.  David played three full
days of golf which he loved and we had some great dinners too.

Now it's back to reality.  Vacations always end too quickly, but I 
am already making plans for the next one.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a fun weekend for everyone. Nothing like a spoiled puppy.

    1. Bentley is spoiled, that's for sure. However, he is such a sweet and good dog that it's hard not to love him!

  2. So glad you and Bentley got to get away for some R & R! Bentley looks so rested.;-)

  3. I loved your beach vacation, Bentley. Where might you be taking Momma and Daddy, next????

    1. Bentley says it's back to the beach again next month!

  4. Blessed to know there are places who welcome the canine set. loved your post.

    1. More and more places accept pets now. It is much easier to travel with a dog than it once was.


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