Friday, May 13, 2016

Design Tips from Eddie Ross & Marburger Farm

Fridays are garage sale, consignment, and
antique shop days.  Here are some great tips from
designer Eddie Ross at Marbuger Farms to keep
in mind during your hunt.

So kick your boots off and spend a little time
watching these Marburger Farm videos and you may
find some inspiration for your next treasure hunting trip.

All you blue and white transfer ware lovers are
really going to enjoy this next video!

I hope that these videos give you some inspiration
to create a space that is uniquely yours. When your
home tells the story of who you are, it becomes a place
where both you, your friends and family share your life.
That's a good thing!

Have a great weekend and on Monday I will tell
y'all about the fun things that Bentley and I have
been doing.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Great post! Someday again I will make it to Roundtop. This is one of the BEST places to be for hunting down some unique and stunning items. Thanks for your post, it will remind me that I need to move up on my list of things I want to do! Again great post!


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