Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Flowers on Memorial Day

We had a party at our house this weekend and I found this pretty 
bouquet of flowers for the breakfast room table.  I want them to last
forever, but know that they won't, so I took pics of them to help
the memory to last.


I hope that y'all are having a wonderful Memorial Day, but most
importantly, that we all remember those who sacrificed their lives 
so that we are able to enjoy the freedom and prosperity of our
nation.  God bless the souls of the service men and women who
made that ultimate sacrifice and they are not forgotten.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Flowers are nice on any occasion. Memories last forever too. So enjoy.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful. :)

  3. My dad was in the Navy & the Army. He drove a supply jeep & was also a gunner. He burned his fingerprints off of one hand doing that. He had a hard time talking about most of his experiences & we didn't pressure him to. He's gone now & so are any stories he might have shared as time mellowed the memories. I miss him very much & honor him with a flag in front of my house. God bless all the soldiers, living & dead.


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