Friday, May 27, 2016

Update On Theodore the Beagle

Here is a happy and healthy pup who is going home with his
mama (Robin) today!!!

After a long week and one half, Theodore has recovered and 
will be back in his own home with his loving family.  

I want to thank all of you prayer warriors who took the time
to pray for this sweet guy.  Robin was so worried about her
baby.  She's such a good mama.  She cancelled a trip to 
San Francisco to visit her human son when she discovered that
Theodore was not well.  She took him to her local vet, but
they suggested that Theo be treated at the University of 
Illinois Vet Hospital in Champaign, 64 miles from her home.
So being the good mama that Robin is, she took him up there
and drove back and forth to visit him each day.   Day by day,
Theo improved aided by skilled veterinary care and your

Thank you so much!  It's yet another example of answered
prayer.  Praise the Lord!

I have a new dollhouse minis blog post up and running
today.  You can see it here.

Okay, now we can relax and start enjoying this holiday

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Thank you for the update, so glad to see he is back home and well again. A definite answer to prayer.

  2. So glad that Theodore is back home and doing well. I will still pray for him so that he really gets good and well.

    Enjoy the weekend.


  3. Great new on Theodore. I understand the stress that Robin felt. I'm so happy that prayer was answered. :)

  4. I missed the previous posts about this sweet boy. I am so glad he is recovered and going home. It hurts your heart when your pets hurt or are not well. Blessings-xo Diana

  5. It is amazing how they can treat pets just like humans. Sometimes better.

  6. What we do for our four legged "kids". So happy that Theodore is better and home with his Momma. Prayers do work for humans as well as fur babies.
    Happy Memorial Day weekend.
    Charlotte in Va.


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