Monday, May 23, 2016

Learning Curve Frustration

My blogging will probably be a bit sporadic as I work through a learning
curve.  I recently upgraded my operating system on my iMac and have
lost iPhoto and now have a new photo editing system and I am not
used to it.  I am having troubles working out the new method to import
my photos and I am frustrated!!!

Now, I need to have a cup to tea and think this through before I get
mad and rip my iMac out of the wall.  

I am repeating to myself ....

Serenity Now!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. Don't you love it with EVERYTHING changes with these updates??? What operating system are you using now? I had a terrible time when I upgraded to El Capitan, I could not figure out how to upload photos either. I finally figured out how to create and album and upload from the album. Dianne

    1. That's what I upgraded to ~ El Capitan. When I realized I lost iPhoto, I was in a state of panic. I was so comfortable with it after using it for so many years. Like you, I figured out how to create an album. In fact, I posted my album on my YouTube channel this afternoon. At first I was just going to use the cloud to transfer to Picmonkey, but I have so many photos (12,000) before I started deleting, that the iCloud did a hiccup ;-) Too bad you don't live next door so we could hold each others hands as we take this new journey!

  2. I understand the frustration! But the photo you did post is lovely and I'm sure you'll figure out how to work the new program.

  3. I know exactly how you feel!
    Windows 10 just about pushed me over the edge-
    That involves a different photo program-
    Good luck!

  4. Repeat after me. Change is good.

    1. You are right, and I will adapt. Of course, I may have a few tantrums in the process ;-)

  5. I have not upgraded yet, just for the very reason I know it will create changes I may not like. ;-(
    Picasa has already gone through changes which is disappointing. Change may be good, but it is stressful.

  6. Susan,
    I know exactly how you feel. Google keep sending the message that my old operating system on my MacBook Pro laptop would no longer be supported. I bought a new DSLR camera that was not compatible with my old system. I upgraded, after having more memory installed on my laptop to support the upgrade. The first thing I noticed was my iPhoto was replaced with Photo. Now, I am finally back at ease importing, exporting, creating folders, labeling, etc... on the new Photo system.

    Some of the new things I really like, but I miss some of the old features of iPhoto.



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