Friday, May 20, 2016

Special Prayer Request for Theodore

This is Theodore.  He is the beloved Beagle of my dear sister Robin who
writes the blog Decorating Tennis Girl.  Dear and sweet Theodore is at
the University of Illinois Veterinary Hospital right now.  He has a very
serious condition called Acidosis Ketosis which is a complication of
Diabetes.  His pancreas is inflamed and there is liver involvement as well.
He is receiving treatment right now.  

I am asking for prayers for Theodore from all you dog lovers.  We pet 
parents know that our pets are family and we always want the best for
them.  Thank you in advance for your prayers.  

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I'm praying for him, poor darling, and sending blessings too !

    With love


  2. Prayers are being said in Virginia for sweet Theodore. I hope with some meds and rest he will be just fine. We are pet lovers here to the endth degree so I know how it feels when our fur babies are sick.
    I hope to hear good news soon.

    1. Thanks so much Charlotte. We are all fur baby lovers here!

  3. Oh Susan, I am sending prayers for his recovery. Our pets are like our children and we love them very much.


    1. Thank you so much Mary! I feel the same way you do.

  4. Sending prayers for Theodore. Pets are such an important part of our lives.


  5. Thanking all you sweet bloggers for sending up prayers for my sweet Theodore. Thanks to my sweet sister, Susan for dedicating a post for just for sweet Theodore! He needs all the healing prayers he can get.

  6. Sending lots of hugs and good vibes your way
    Lily & Edward

    1. Thank you Lily and Edward! Bentley says woof!!

  7. Oh gosh!---get well soon sweet Mr. Theodore from your Charleston friends!

  8. Oh poor darling Theodore. I will offer a prayer of healing and safe keeping for this little precious! I am so so sorry. I am a big fan of Decorating Tennis Girl and how lovely to find out this is your sister! I so hope he is able to recover....big hugs for your little fur baby!

    1. Actually, se were not born sisters. We are both only children. We met through blogging six years ago and adopted each other because we are exactly the same!

  9. I'm sending my thoughts and prayers for sweet Theodore! I pray he has a speedy recovery!

  10. May the Most Powerful Physician reach down and touch Theodore. He looks so sweet. My precious Phoebe had a pancreatis attack about 4 years ago and they kept her almost a week. She recovered well but I'm sure the diabetes makes it harder on Theodore. Phoebe recovered but has been battling cancer for the last 3 years. She's doing well despite the cancer and the doctors are all surprised she's still alive so Puppy Prayers do help. Keep us posted.

  11. I am already praying for Theodore. He looks like such a sweet dog, and I know that Robin must love him a lot. I had a toy poodle named Romeo, he was my faithful companion for over 14 years, and I know how hard it is when they are sick. My dog passed in January, and it was extremely hard on me. He had been sick for almost two years, and he is now in doggie heaven running and playing like the puppy he was inside. Theodore does not look that old and I am sure he has many years of life in him. I have prayed for his heath to be completely restored, and that God and his angels will comfort Robin in this stressful time as well.

    1. Thank you so much. I am so sorry that you lost your beloved dog. I understand that loss and it never goes away.

  12. Praying for your sweet nephew puppy right now. We're blessed for good veterinary medicine these days.
    Asking the father to give them wisdom for treatment.

  13. Praying for this sweet dog. Look at those eyes.

    1. Yes, Theodore has sweet and very loving eyes. Thanks for your prayers.

  14. Omgoodness poor. Baby sending prayers for Theo and everyone. And much love. With love Janice


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