Thursday, May 12, 2016

More Ginger Blooming in the Garden

Not all the ginger plants in my gardens bloom at the same time.  The ones
in the front yard and those by the potting shed bloom first, and this section
in the backyard always blooms last.  It this the most dramatic of the 
beds of ginger because they are not only very tall, but there are masses 
of them.    Here is the bistro set peeking out.  As you can see, the last of
the live oaks have just finished shedding their leaves.  Thankfully I
have Carlos to help me stay on top of this because it's a big job.

It really looks like a tropical jungle back here.   Lizards galore.
Frogs too.  Thankfully no snakes.

See that wire cable in the tree?  We have many of those to 
control the long, long limbs of the live oaks.

Thanks for stopping by.  Time to head back inside out of the 
heat and humidity.  Come on Bentley, lets cool off in the A/C.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. No A/C, here. Just coolness and rain:( Your gardens of ginger are lush!

  2. I have never seen ginger plants like yours. So large and lush. Beautiful!


  3. So pretty...and it looks so tropical! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Susan!


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