Thursday, June 30, 2016

A Country 4th of July

If you have ever lived for an extended period of time outside of the
United States, you come to understand how very lucky we are to
live here.  When I returned, I was so very happy to be home once again.

The many, many things we take for granted are not available to 
everyone else.  Being able to turn on the tap and safely drink a glass
of water.  Electricity that barring a major storm, is dependable every
single day.  Being able to safely drive your car down the road without
having the driver of the car in front of you decide to put his car into
reverse and back up at 45 mph because he wanted to stop for someone
or something he spotted a ways back on the road.  Sewer systems.  

Little things like that.

The rights we as women have.  The opportunity to elect our leaders.  
An educational system that is available to everyone.  The ability to voice
our opinions.  The access to excellent medical care.  

As we approach this 4th of July weekend, I believe we should take the
time to reflect on the greatness of our nation.  During this election year,
we hear of so much that is wrong with our country, yet I think we 
should be taking the time to be thankful for everything we have that
is so right.

God Bless America!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley 


  1. I love the country theme for your patriotic table. I especially love the quilt used as a tablecloth. I hope that you have a Happy Fourth of July!!!

  2. You are so right! We should definitely reflect and be grateful for the privilege of being Americans. Thanks for the reminder. Happy4th!

  3. You are so right! We are too blessed to be such grumblers aren't we? Beautiful post! And lovely table.;-)

  4. Love your tablescape! Let's take our country back! GO TRUMP !!!

  5. Such an adorable tablescape. Oh yes...we are truly blessed. Visiting from Thoughts of Home. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  6. amen. i love your post. so true, every little bit of it. happy independence day to you & your loved ones. xo- maryjo

  7. So true, Susan, thank you for this wonderful reminder!

  8. Lovely tablescape. I'd like to feature you in my post tomorrow. I hope you've seen my 4th of July posts this week. I'll be featuring my favorite posts from this week!

  9. Amen, Susan...and while I love your tablescape---I love your words even more. We are so blessed to be free even though that freedom comes at a cost for our service people. We ware SO lucky- Blessings and happy 4th to you and Bentley. xo Diana

  10. You hit the nail on the head, Susan!

    Thank you for sharing this at Thoughts of Home. :)

  11. Susan,
    Hurray, for the red, white and blue!
    I adore how you've combine an amazing Patriotic tablescape with your love of Country, dear one!
    Happy Fourth of July!

  12. Beautiful post! Not only your words but your photo's.

  13. very good post! and a pretty table too!

  14. Happy 4th of July !! your country 4th of July is so pretty and festive :)

  15. Hope you had a wonderful 4th! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!


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