Wednesday, June 29, 2016

A Cute New Infusion Mug

This is a very cute shabby chic style mug, but there is something
special about it ....

It's an infusion mug.  Under that lid is ....  

a mesh basket that is perfect for adding tea leaves or coffee.  It is
great for when I only want one mug of tea or coffee while I am 
working in my studio.

And most importantly for me ~ it's so darn cute!  I found it at
one of my very favorite shops, British Isles.  I have been
shopping at this darling shop since I lived in Houston back in
the late 1980's.  I never miss it and they are very dog friendly and
make Bentley feel so welcome.  It's a win, win for us.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. It is so lovely indeed Susan ... Nice find Happy Wednesday with love Janice

  2. Oh I love it! Love that shop too!

    Cottage Blessings,


  3. Be still my heart! :-)

    What a beautiful, beautiful mug!

    Stay cool hugs,

  4. I love the notion of an infusion mug! It is the cutest little mug ever!

  5. I always spend too much money at British Isles, but isn't it fun???!!!!!

  6. The infusion mug is lovely and so is your Grandmother's quilt. I received a Fan quilt my Grandmother made. She died before I was born but I feel I have some of her quilting and crochet genes. She raised 13 children while working on their farm. She canned, made lye soap, tended the kitchen garden, washed clothes on a washboard boiled clothes to get them clean, raised chickens to sell the eggs and so much more. They didn't have electricity or plumbing. I know she quilted with some of the women from her church but I don't know how people did it back then either. I love to hear about it though.

  7. Hi Susan, and I love the sweet little mug. It has a sweet old fashioned look to it too. Oh, thank you for the sweet visit and I would be honored for your to feature me on your mini blog.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)


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