Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Housecleaning My Mind

I have been feeling so much happier lately and I am going to share with
you what I have done.  

I have been housecleaning my mind.  I am mentally sweeping away
all the negative self talk.

I am refusing to allow previous hurts to continue to take root.
I am pulling those nasty weeds out!

I am planting good thoughts in my mind in place of the weeds
that lived there before.  

If I have a problem that's too big for me to handle myself,
I just hand it over to God.  

I am keeping my mind filled with creative thoughts and ways
to improve my life and the lives of my loved ones.

I am forgetting about myself and focusing on other things.  
In the past I have spent too much time analyzing a situation and
playing it over and over in my mind.  Letting go of what is not 
useful is so freeing!

In the words of Henry Miller ....

Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
music ~ the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich
treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people.
Forget yourself.

Make today a good one!
Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Susan,

    Not being a fellow blogger, I haven't commented before. However, I want to tell you how much I enjoy your blog and how this post really hit home with me and was much needed. Thank you.


  2. Good for you! I have that herb book.

  3. Lovely photos, sister. Glad you are feeling better! Love you...

  4. Good plans. Weed that garden of all things that worry you. Thinking of you,


  5. I really loved this post! So positive & such good advice. There is a lot of good in this world still & you are part of the good Susan. Thank you for this uplifting & delightful post.

    P.S. Loved the little wheelbarrow. All the pics were lovely though.

  6. Wonderful post... very inspiring! Loving that beautiful african violet! :) ~Rhonda

  7. Good advice! Thanks for sharing the thoughts, Susan. Enjoy your day! ;-)

  8. Excellent post! I have a vision of you stuffing those nasty weeds in a large trash bag for the garbage man to pick up and take away forever. So glad you are feeling much better! Love your photos...pinned the tea and teapot picture.

  9. Wise and inspiring post, Susan! I truly enjoyed this post and the reminder to rid myself of "negative self talk" and focus on the positive. Please keep in mind that MANY of us are walking this same path . . . love and prayers to you, Bentley and your family.

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