Wednesday, June 8, 2016

There Was Something About the Light ...

I was heading down the hallway to my studio this evening and I 
could see the last of the evening sun rays coming through the
French doors into the guest room.  It was a soft and dreamy kind
of light and I  just knew I wanted to capture it.

And I also knew that I wanted to share that special moment with you.

I have a new post up on my miniatures blog today.  If you are
interested, you can connect with it here.  Have a wonderful
evening and Bentley and I wish you sweet and happy dreams.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Nice sometimes you see that and it is very nice thank you for sharing that special moment with love Janice

  2. That perfect light is hard to capture. Very pretty photo.

    1. I was a bit disappointed when I saw the photo. The light was so much prettier than it appears.

  3. Great capture!

    Who is the statue of?


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.