Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Christmas in July ~ Ho Ho Ho!

The Hallmark Channel is playing Christmas movies.  Hobby Lobby is
filling their shelves with Christmas decorations.  Other bloggers are
writing posts about Christmas, so I thought I would join the fun too.
This is going to be a photo intensive post because frankly the heat
here in Texas is making me lazy :-)

Tartans everywhere!

In the back hall we decked the halls too.

Baked cookies of course and tartlets too!

Let's not forget the dining ~ inside and out!

And the dollhouse miniatures ~ my personal favorite!

And the dogs of course!

The boots ~ we are in Texas after all ;-)

The potting shed was decorated too.

Hot chocolate of course was the nightly beverage of choice.

So until December, just five months away, we will say goodbye to
the Christmas decorations and enjoy the rest of our summer and the
wonderful months of autumn yet to come.

Bentley ~ I think mama went a bit overboard last year.  Try to 
reign me in this coming Christmas okay?  Bentley is laughing, 
he knows that's not going to happen ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Your photos are beautiful! You know what - it's the perfect time to be thinking of what we want our decorations to be or maybe some make ahead gifts. I love the inspiration!

  2. Everything is so pretty! I love the pupster plates! I only get channels 1-20, so don't get movie channels like Hallmark or even HGTV, but I don't really miss it.

  3. Love seeing all this tartan love in July. Yes, we are having a hot summer, but that's to be expected. I remind myself that it has been much worse in summers past, so I try not to complain. Stay cool!

  4. Well, that made me feel a little cooler! LOL Love those plates with the "Bentley" on them. So cute. Merry Christmas to you too!


  5. Ho Ho HO...NO NO NO!! lol lol ha ha .......just so dang hot here to even think of Christmas, ha ha Your pictures are so pretty though

  6. Our Hobby Lobby put Christmas items out too ! I do admit....i love catching Hallmark Christmas in July movies ...have a great afternoon :)

  7. THanks, Susan! A nice, photo filled Christmas in July post. I was thinking the other day about redoing my kitchen garland. In NH we made real ones in December but here in Florida I have to settle for 'make believe'. Since I don't have beams in the kitchen (another one of those I left it behinds) I use a very dense commercial garland and load it up with wonderful little treasures. It hangs down one outer corner in the room. Perfect thing to work on in this heat!

  8. I always love reading your post. Ilove the way you decorate, it feels so cozy and warm, thank you for sharing!


  9. These photos make me think about Christmas in a really good way! I hope to have a good one this coming year!

  10. LOL Susan is trying to keep herself cool-me too girl me too! Been watching the Hallmark movies watching the fake snow and trying to ignore the fact that the seasonal checkup of my AC screwed it up and it's now not working!!! (Yes, they are returning to see what happened). Meanwhile I am listening to the cicadas and katydids going nuts in the heat outside. Watching the movies noting the decor in the background for holiday ideas for the new house- I'm moving next month!


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.