Monday, July 11, 2016

Hi Friends ~ Here's What's New

Hey y'all!  Hope everyone had a great weekend.  It was so (and still is) so hot here!
Here are a couple of southern sayings about the heat that will give you a chuckle:

It's so hot, chickens have been laying hard boiled eggs!

It's so hot, I saw two trees fighting over a dog!

However, I still managed to do a little bit this weekend other than nap.

Y'all know how much I love framing pieces of dearly loved fabric.  Well, I 
decided to add the card that David included nestled into the beautiful flowers
he sent me for our anniversary last month.  This is now hanging on the wall
in my dressing room.

I went to Hobby Lobby for a bit on Saturday and found these three flannel 
fabrics.  I don't know what I will do with them yet, but I thought they were
too cute to pass up.

I found some cute pink and white striped buttons and added some more
embroidery floss to my growing collection.

Stopped at the library.  Going to the library on a hot summer day really
takes me back to my childhood.  My friend Carolyn and I used to ride our 
bikes to the library and fill our bicycle baskets with as many books as
they would hold.  Then we would ride home and either go to Carolyn's house
or mine and read all afternoon.  Of course, that happened only on the days
we were not at the beach :-)

I am currently reading this book.  The House on First Street is a great
non-fiction account of a woman who buys a fixer-upper in the 
Garden District of New Orleans and begins renovations right before
Hurricane Katrina.  Julia Reed is a fine author and a contributor to
both Vogue and Newsweek.

Renovations are hard enough without a major hurricane and levee
breach!  Read it, you will enjoy.

This is my nice cozy crewel covered chair in the family room.  It's wide
enough for both Bentley and I to curl up in (Bentley is a bit of a chair hog)
and stay cool inside with a good book.

What did you do over the weekend?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. That first fabric with the tiny rosebuds is a pattern that has been around since I was kid. I had a baby dress made out of that fabric and when my girls were little I made them dresses out of that same fabric and my granddaughter had a dress out of it, too. lol It is just so sweet.

    What have I been doing? Packing and sorting and getting ready to downsize.

    I am hoping to get a chance to read one of these days....sigh.... What a lovely post, Susan. xo Diana

    1. I don't envy your move! I hope never have to do it again, but then, never say never. Thanks for taking out the time to stop by and see me.

  2. Enjoyed this post so much! I have loved the library since I was a child. i would go and get an armload of books, read them and hurry back for more. I went to the library recently and got a bag full of cozy mysteries to read during our SC HOT temps. Still recovering from knee surgery so staying inside and reading with a cup of tea by my side is my idea of pleasure and fun.

  3. Your reminising about childhood trips to the library made me think of mine. I could walk through a field in our backyard and be there in minutes. I even "volunteered" one day a week after school when I was in elementary school. The librarian let me check out books and glue card holders in the back. Those were simpler days, weren't they? Lovely post, Susan!

    1. Life was so much more simple and safe back then. I used to head out on my bike every morning in the summer and not be home until lunch and then back out again. It was all so carefree and fun. I don't think I appreciated those days as much as I should. Thanks for stopping by Diana!

  4. I loved the library as a kid too. We walked there and back in those days they would let us take out as many as we wanted. I would get as many as I could carry. I still always have a library book or two on my nightstand. :)

    1. The library has always been my second home. Still love it and always will!

  5. Both my pupsters are also chair hogs. They squeeze in the chair beside me and settle in. Pretty photos and fabrics!

    1. Isn't it amazing how such little dogs they are and yet they have such a big presence in our lives. Bentley is a bed hog too :-)

  6. Susan you are going to love Julia Reed's book! It's a definite thumbs up!!!!

    1. I do love it, and already have another of her's. Thanks for stopping by Lisa!

  7. Lovely post nice framing. You made me think of hot summers up north sometimes I miss those days of being a young hanging out up north with my favorite Uncle and aunt. Me and my girlfriend riding bikes through the school grounds to bet to the pool. Running barefooted. And my little sweetpea chi sits under my seat whenever I'm on the couch. And sleeps right smack against me or under. Have a lovely evening with love Janice

  8. Oh Susan...thank you! I just sent a copy of your book to my sister for her birthday! Perfect! You have the sweetest interests...soft shades of pink everywhere...a girl after my own heart! Stay cool this week!

  9. I have been hanging pictures and looking for more to buy as I definitely didn't have enough for my English cottage decor. I love the library too and remember reading almost every book in my small town library's children's section. Love your sweet fabric. xo Laura


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