Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Cozy At Home Kind of Day

This has been the most wonderful day!  It has been dark and rainy with the
occasional thunderstorm rolling through.  Not the big scary kind of 
storm, but storms out in the distance where I can hear the thunder rolling
but no frightening flashes of lightning.    

Yesterday I spent a couple of hours trimming a beef tenderloin we
purchased when we went to Costco last weekend.  It takes a while to
remove the silver skin and the excess fat, but I was able to get fifteen
good sized filets, so I was happy.  I had some end pieces left that I 
decided to use for beef bourguignon, so I put that together today.
Of course, the kitchen smells so good with the aromas of bacon, garlic,
onion and red wine.

While I was in the process of cooking all the elements of the stew, David
called.  He was in Houston today on business and called to ask me if I 
wanted him to bring home BBQ from Otto's.  We thought Otto's had closed and
we were really sad to think it was gone.  It was one of the first BBQ 
places David took me to when we were first dating years ago in Houston.
It was an old shack on Memorial Drive near the park.  Not fancy, but 
really good.  David learned that the Stafford location was still open, and
since it's on his way back to Victoria, he offered to pick up dinner.

Of course I said yes!  My stew could cool, spend the night in the 
fridge, and we can have it tomorrow when it will taste even better.
Tonight we can dine on Otto's BBQ and relive precious memories

And then,

that gave me some time to get back to my granny squares.  

I think I have a new addiction ;-)

Bentley ~ Daddy's brining home smoked brisket.  I think there
will be plenty and you can have some too.  Bentley is willing to
get up from his rainy day nap for brisket!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan! Oh, I love barbecue and I miss it! I'm so impressed with your crocheting skill! You're doing a wonderful job and I love the colors you're using! Kiss little Bentley for me.
    be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks Shelia. I am loving the granny square. I am going to teach myself how to do a crochet shell pattern edge next. It will look great on a granny square afghan, but also potholders and pillowcases too. I'm already on the hunt for vintage pillowcases. There just are not enough hours in the day ;-) Maybe I should send you some BBQ. Sure would be tasty with some diet Dr Pepper!

  2. Rainy days are perfect for cooking! I hope you enjoyed your BBQ and you have your amazing dinner to look forward to also.

  3. The weather this week is so unexpected and wonderful! I know you enjoyed your dark and stormy day...I have been too. :)

  4. Aren't rainy days wonderful? You've made me hungry for stew! I hope you enjoyed your BBQ and the trip down memory lane. How nice to discover your place was still opened! I'm now following you. Glad to discover another Texas blogger!

  5. What a wonderful day you had.
    Those days are my favorite Susan.
    I so want to learn to create a granny square.
    Have a good week!


  6. Oh your day sounds perfect to me! I am still working on my granny squares they never look right to me. Have you been crocheting long?


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