Monday, August 15, 2016

The Sound of Rain on the Roof

For much of the day yesterday and during the night and early 
morning hours of today, we were blessed with the sound of rain 
on the roof.  We have not had any rain for some time and all
the trees and plants have been suffering under the relentless
hot Texas summer sun.  I have been deep watering our many
trees for weeks now, but there is nothing that can duplicate the
miracle of long soaking rains.

I have not minded the gray skies and the wet windows.  

We are feeling blessed today.

I have a new post up on my Dollhouse Minis Blog today.  I am 
featuring the work of Kim Saulter, a wonderfully talented 
miniaturist.  You won't want to miss it.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. What a handsome large tree and the bricks look pretty when wet. I don't recall it raining here in August and I promise, if it does, I will run outside and do a happy dance. We can smell smoke from a fire 70 miles away and rain would be a blessing.

  2. Love the rainy scenes, especially the look of the red bricks wet with rainwater!

  3. Oh, yes, Susan. The gentle rain has been falling here since last night. It's the best kind that soaks into the ground. Our trees and shrubs already look refreshed. So nice to have temps in the 70s too. Too bad this can't last, but will be grateful while we have it.

  4. Hasn't the rain been lovely? And the cool August! His mercies never cease.;-)

  5. That Live Oak just takes my breath away!! :)


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