Monday, August 8, 2016

I Spent The Weekend in the Kitchen

On late Thursday afternoon, my shrimp gal arrived with a freshly caught
batch of shrimp from the Gulf.  I bought ten pounds from her and then 
spent about three hours on Friday removing the shells and veins and 
bagging them up to go into the freezer.  Of course I saved some for shrimp
cocktail that evening.  

We stayed home Friday evening to watch the opening of the Olympics.
I had shrimp cocktail and a martini.  David had his usual Bourbon and 
diet coke, but no shrimp.  He doesn't eat any kind of fish at all except
canned tuna.  I have tried my best to get him to at least try fresh tuna
lightly grilled, but to no avail.

The shrimp cocktail server belonged to my Mom.  I have seven of them,
one of them broke years ago.  They are vintage and lovely.  Etched crystal
with a crystal insert for the sauce.  So elegant.  Mom served shrimp cocktail
often at dinner parties and on Sundays at the family dinner.  

Saturday we ran out to get the grocery shopping done as fast as we could.  We tag teamed it.
David pushed the cart and I ran around gathering up everything on the list and tossing it in
the cart.   We were very anxious to get home and not have to leave our house again.  The 
weather has been brutally hot.  105 to 109 heat index every day.  It is exhausting!  

I decided to try a recipe I saw in the latest issue of Southern Living.  Party Poppers
are jalapeños filled with chopped cook chicken, mixed with softened cream cheese,
finely chopped cilantro and a splash of lime juice.  Then you wrap with bacon and 
bake for 25 minutes in a 400 degree oven.  Place them under the broiler to crisp up
the bacon and then let them rest a minute or two before serving.  

Make sure you remove the membranes and seeds before filling, unless of course,
you like things really hot!!!


Then I made fajitas for dinner.

We just stayed inside inside the house for the whole weekend with the exception
of grocery shopping.  I can hardly wait for fall.  It's going to be hot all week 
again this week too.  

What did you do over the weekend?

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Sounds lovely, I love shrimp anything and a lot of sea food, though I always didn't.. When I was younger just crab and shrimp and mama cooked filet of sole fried but nothing else till I got older. I wish San Francisco would catxh some of that summer heat but not that much lol.. Have a lovely Monday and great new week with love Janice

    1. I'll gladly trade you some of our heat for some of the cool breezes of SF! Thanks for stopping by Janice!!

  2. I love shrimp cocktails, but being in land-locked Tennessee it's difficult to know if the shrimp they are selling are really from the ocean and only a few hours old.
    Your home is exquisite and beautifully inviting.
    No jalapenos for me I'm afraid, they would give me heartburn :)
    Hello Bentley, are you staying cool there in that ungodly heat !

    1. I know what you mean. When I lived in Idaho, there was only one place where I would purchase shrimp. We may have to endure months of hot humid weather here on the South Texas Coast, but hey, at least we have yummy shrimp ;-) Thank you for your kind words about my home. I do love it!

  3. Your martini looks so good - I love a good martini anytime :-)

    1. My Daddy loved a martini every evening. I don't drink them that often, but maybe one on the weekend :-) Thanks for stopping by Vicki!!

  4. YUM! Those stuffed peppers look fabulous. Will try those - without the seeds!!


  5. I don't do fish, either (ESPECIALLY canned tuna..) but I do like shrimp...and in a cocktail is my favorite.
    Can't wait to try your pepper recipe...we do them with cream cheese and bacon but yours sounds a whole lot better.
    I saw were you are learning to make granny squares...I am pulling my hair out trying to learn, too. I am sooo all thumbs and get so frustrated...I am dying to make a pretty afghan this winter but can't master the dang thing....maybe i need to eat one of your hot peppers....:)

    1. I was working on granny squares just today. I watched a YouTube video on beginner's granny squares. I made three of them. They looked terrible, so I pulled out all the stitches. If I pull out anymore hair over it, I will have to get extensions lol ;-)

  6. OOO...and hi, Bentley....xoxo

  7. No thanks on the heat as we have been having hot weather along with some humidity. I pretty much stayed in all weekend except I went to my friends house on Saturday. We have been trying to get together as she wanted to give me my Birthday present. Well let me tell you I wasn't disappointed. I will do a post on all the wonderful, beautify items I received..... I thought it was Christmas.

    Your poppers sound great, I will try them. Thanks for the recipe. I love shrimp cocktails and would love to a vodka martini right now.

    Hello to Bentley from Waldo and Lili. They are really lazy with this heat - want the A/C on.


    1. We are all lazy bones right now. Can't wait to see your presents! Stop by and I will make you a vodka martini. I use Tito's ~ hope that's okay. Bentley sends love to Waldo and Lili.

  8. Those poppers look delish and so do the fajitas, my favorite. You are so very lucky to have your Mom's beautiful shrimp cocktail servers. Hope it cools down there, you'll are even hotter than us! Have fun with your granny squares!

    1. I'm trying hard with my granny square lessons, but honestly, mine look horrible! I'm going to conquer this though. I am very stubborn ;-) Thank for stopping by!!

  9. Sounds like a very nice weekend! I'm kinda like your hubby, I'm selective on eating seafood but I love shrimp! Oh, your mother's shrimp cocktail servers are beautiful! I love that they have the little insert for the sauce! You've really been cooking and your food looks very yummy! Sorry it's been so hot in Texas. I don't miss those hot humid days. Thanks for popping in and I do love playing with miniatures.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. I saw that recipe in SL too! Now I'll definitely try it!
    PS Weather is brutal here too. Fall can't come soon enough.

  11. I spent the entire week recuperating from three, yes three, trips to Texas this summer. The heat was exhausting. I feel for you. (But we did eat some great seafood while there.)


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