Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Susan Versus the Granny Square

On Saturday, I went to Hobby Lobby to pick up some craft supplies and added this
book to my cart.  I have wanted to learn to make granny squares for a long time, and 
I decided that this book was just the inspiration I needed.  

Take a look at that granny square slip covered chair.  How fun is that!!!
Well, perhaps it's a bit soon to think of such a huge project, especially since I 
can't even make one square, however,  I am not one to back down on anything 
I set my mind to.  Swedish stock ~ in other words, I am determined and a 
bit hard headed ;-)

In looking through the book, I decided that what I needed was to see someone
making a square.  I find it is easier to watch someone knit or crochet in 
addition to reading the instructions.  So, I head over to YouTube and start
watching beginning granny square videos, just take a look at this next
picture of my one and only completed square ....

Pretty awful isn't it???  I should be embarrassed to show you this.  It looks more
like a blob than a granny.  I almost hurled it across the room, but I restrained
myself (just barely).  

So I went to another and another granny square tutorial on YouTube, 
but finally ....  I found one that was easy to follow and I actually had some

Here is my first granny square in two colors even.

I need to work on my tension, but I suppose that will come with practice.
At least now it is more recognizable as a granny square.  Bentley thought I was
crazy because I was jumping up and down with glee!  It only took me all
afternoon, and I think we will be having sandwiches for dinner, but to me it
was worth it.  

Here is the tutorial I followed if any of you are granny challenged like me.

Persistance pays off and it's no longer Susan versus the 
granny square, it's Susan AND her granny squares!  
Stay tuned for more craft battles :-)

Okay Bentley ~ mama still has to get in 45 minutes of
pilates.  Whew, hardly enough hours in a day!!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley



  1. Oh, look at you! You did a great job and I'm so proud of you. I love to crochet and so proud to know another has jumped on the crochet band wagon. Not too many folks crochet any more. Now you'll be making an afghan! ;)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

    1. Thanks Shelia! It was fun and I can't wait to do another one!!!

  2. Great way to use up leftover wool .
    I have many blankets and they are so warm too.

    1. It might take me a while to get to blanket size ;-)

  3. hahhaa, Susan, you are so dang cute...
    that is an AWESOME granny...I would be dancing a jig if I could make one....I am tired tonight..heading to bed but I will be back tomorrow to ck out this video...and thanks so much for letting me know about it...night night Bentley

  4. I used to crochet! Perhaps this winter I will buy some yarn and do something with it. I love the crocheted slippers and will have to look for a pattern!

  5. Good for you. Pretty soon you'll be cranking those granny squares out. Can't wait to see what you end up creating.

  6. Good for you to take the plunge and then keep with it until you succeeded. I've been crocheting for years and still have to rip things out or start over depending on the stitch or how the pattern was written. I just love the people who make You Tube videos! I wanted to learn the Crocodile Stitch but it is a hard technique to put into words. I watched several YT's and found one that explained it clearly to me. I can't believe how easy a stitch it is to make. I love crocheting Irish Roses, which my Mom showed me how, and doilies. One day you'll advance to thread crochet which is so lacy and feminine. Keep practicing but keep your fist ones so you can see just how far you've come.

  7. here i am....hook in hand, yarn close by....ready for battle....

  8. Granny squares are so fun. So glad to see that I'm not the only one that is still making them. lol


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