Thursday, September 22, 2016

First Day of Fall ~ But It's Still Hot Here

The calendar says it's fall, the temps here do not.  It's still hot
and sticky.  I'm trying to remember what fall was like up north,
because I am still wearing shorts and flip flops and spraying up
with bug repellent.  

I have been looking through my closet, going through my
fall wardrobe.  Lingering over the sweaters and the tartans and
my boots.  The fall clothing catalogs have been arriving.  If
I crank up the A/C and brew a pot of hot tea, I can just
imagine me wearing the cute sweaters and jackets I see.  

I changed my nail polish from the pinks and corals I wear
all summer, to a rich deep red, and switched my flip flops
from my white and pink ones, to a rich saddle leather style.
They are still flip flops, but the tanned leather has a rich warm
look about it.  

I have been longing to start cooking the comfort foods
of fall.  I can enjoy soup even in the summer, but hubby
only wants it when it's cool outside.  When the temps 
drop just 10 more degrees, I am getting out the slow
cooker and let the soups and stews begin!  Of course it will
still be hot outside, but I'll make it work :-)

I have been looking at the flannel pajamas too.  I love the Lanz brand that
Vermont Country Store carries.  Such a nice heavy weight, yet very soft
flannel.  So snuggly too.  Do you love PJ's as much as I do?

I must remember to pick up some more cinnamon spice candles this
weekend when I go shopping.  I long for that fragrance in our house.

So, happy first day of fall everyone.  I am celebrating despite the 
high temps.  At least now there is the knowledge that cooler days
will eventually be on their way!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Today feels a bit like Fall here in Oregon, Susan...but it is suppose to be back up in the low 80's this will be here before we know it! We will soon be pinning for summer....:) I love your Fall touches.

    1. Years ago, David had two job interviews in the Pacific Northwest. We flew out to Seattle from Washington DC. One interview was in Tacoma and the second in Lake Oswego, OR. We drove down between the cities. I fell in love with Portland and Lake Oswego, but David didn't think he could cope with all the rain and gray skies. We were there in October, and the fall colors were wonderful. David now regrets that decision not to move to Oregon, and we often talk about retiring there.

  2. It's hot here too!! We've been at almost 100 every day this week so far. My electricity was off all day today and just came back on. They were converting all of my electric lines underground so it will be worth the sweat! LOL

    Have a great weekend.


    1. I think it's great that all your electric lines will be underground. Wish they would do that here! Our weather is the same as yours and even the born and raised Texans are as tired of it as I am! Stay cool dear friend!!

  3. Happy first day of Fall Susan..
    Here in NC Florida it is still pretty much summerlike outside. I can't wait for cooler climes. Like yurt husband, it has to be cooler for me to want soups and stews.
    Today I broke out the pumpkin apple candles and two year old Win kept sniffing them. Had to put one up above his reach as he wanted to walk around with it. hahaha
    Happy rest of week.

    1. Little ones are so fascinated by candles. Keep them up high!

  4. I love Vermont Country Store. Fun catalog ... especially those products from the "past"!

    1. I love the catalog too, especially the Christmas one!

  5. Still very hot here too. I've come to realize that I like flannel sheets on the bed year round, though that probably sounds weird!

    1. That's not weird at all! I started using them year round on our bed too. They are so cozy! I think I will invest in one of those sheep skin pads for the bed. My Mom had one on her bed and I tested it out and its really great. Tends to wick away moisture and there are no pressure points when sleeping on one.

  6. Happy Fall, Susan. It was 100° here in north Texas on Sept. 20. Looking forward to cooler temperatures to enjoy being outdoors.


    1. I thought you might have some relief "up north", but no. We were in Austin last weekend and it was just as hot as it is here. Bring on the cooler temps!

  7. I'm with you honey. I'm soo ready for Fall, but the temps in Nashville, TN don't recognize it as Fall. I have been in Louisville, KY the past two days and it's a little cooler there. Almost feels like Fall in the mornings and evenings. I love that tool box! I've sold so many in my businesses so many times. Going to a farmhouse sale tomorrow. Maybe I'll find one.

    1. I am a vintage tool box addict! Hope you find another one at the farmhouse sale!!

  8. We are so ready for warm weather as it's been unusually wet through our Winter. Of cause I don't like it in the 40s though which we get sometimes. I think Autumn is my favourite season too. Love your pics Susan

    1. I'm not crazy about 40 degree weather either. I like 60's and 70's the best, with cool mornings. That sounds picky, I know, but that's when I feel really good.

  9. I'm with you, It hit 100 here this week. Longing for cooler temps. Such pretty pictures in this post. Hoping for cool weather so we can all get cooking some soup!

    1. Thanks for the compliment on my pics. Hanging out with my camera is something I enjoy.

  10. Susan, I know you seldom leave comment on my blog, and you still needn't - but the last comment about my daughter being childless I left you on your post I just came back in to tell you that Ijust posted about my daughter and her fur babies today. She just lost her first one one, and I thought maybe you'd want to see them.

    Have a nice weekend. Take care.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  11. We are in Connecticut and it is still hot as blazes here but not as hot as Texas. According to the local weather report tomorrow will be much cooler and i welcome it. I made butternut squash soup last week and it was delicious. I froze half for the winter but I promised my hubby I will make more soon. I also made corn chowder but it wasn't as good. Our 45th wedding anniversary is on Sunday and we are still trying to decide what to do. I hope it cools down for you soon.

  12. Your pictures are excellent...wonderful composition and lighting. The soup looks delish and I love the way it is served. It is still hot here in Central Indiana but next week looks to be cooler. Flannel pajamas and gowns are a necessary part of cooler weather. Vermont Country Store is a fun place to looking through their catalogs.


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