Friday, September 23, 2016

My Blast from the Past Fall Decorating Ideas

An advantage of blogging is that one can browse through seasonal
decorating ideas from the past.  I have albums full of pics from past
posts, some of which I have forgotten all about.  Since I am now in 
full fledged fall decorating mode, maybe you would like to browse 
through some of these old photos with me.

I hope this gives y'all some inspiration!  Have a wonderful first 
Fall weekend and go forth a decorate.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. You make such beautiful scenes and pictures, Susan! I love them all but my favorite is the porch one with the white wrought iron seat. HAPPY FALL!

  2. Hi Susan, These are all charming, cozy, and very festive. I'm in the midst of decorating for fall, too. Duncan and I really love your pumpkin with the Scotties -- too, too cute!! Thanks for sharing, Susan, and have a good weekend. :)



  3. The basket with pumpkins looks so cute ♥

  4. Your images are perfection. I'd love to see you at our new link party. This would be a perfect post.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.