Wednesday, September 14, 2016

I Am Running Away to Paris

I am having "one of those days".  It's the type of day when I am frustrated
by things that are beyond my control.  Things I am powerless to change.

My solution ~ run away to Paris. 

Why Paris?  Because it is beautiful and it's a good spot for an artsy,
fashionista, foodie and free spirit like me.  And I can bring Bentley!

I don't have a reservation on Air France for today, so I can pretend in my kitchen
for a bit.  Nothing like some French tunes playing in the background while 
pretending I am Julia Child in the kitchen.

Ah ~ c'est bon!  I feel better already.

Bentley ~ of course you can come with mama.  I never go
anywhere without you.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am having one of those days too. Think I will join you. My daughters and grandchildren are going there for real in a couple of weeks. I am so jealous. xo Laura

  2. Paris loves dogs, so Bentley will be welcome everywhere! Enjoy your Parisian day, Susan. Wish I were there myself. '-)

  3. Do you have Julia Child's accent? I've never been out of the country. Afraid to fly. So reading about it is as close I'll get to Paris, I believe. Very pretty table setting. The plates are my favorite.

  4. Are you going to Paris, Texas? LOL


    1. One of my very favorite artist is in Paris, Texas! I was there and visited with him in July. LOL

  5. We all have "those" days. Enjoy your pretend trip and relax!

  6. Paris sounds wonderful to me....where shall we go tomorrow?

  7. I would join you in a second! Paris is the best escape destination ever!!

  8. Paris sounds so good! Love the table- very beautiful ♥

  9. May I go too? lol Love to see someone with an imagination... my description is allot like yours except the fashionista clothes are paint stained so now I have good clothes and bad clothes wearing the bad clothes mostly.Everything looks so French in your kitchen, did you make a French dish? Checked out a couple of your Christmas posts , very nice. Enjoy your trip! Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  10. I LOVE that you take Bentley with you everywhere you go! Your story about your mother really touched my heart. Susan, enjoy every single second with Bentley. I wonder some days if I will ever stop crying over Mele'...


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.