Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Apples, Plaid and Pinecones

Apples, plaid and pinecones.  Three things that always bring back
fond fall memories.  I have picked apples in Wisconsin, at the base of
the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia, and in Idaho too.  Baskets full
of reds and greens that become pies and crumbles or served sliced
with some cheddar cheese.  

Pinecones collected on hikes in the northern Rockies.  The sound of
falling leaves crunching beneath our feet.  

Plaid scarves and plaid flannel shirts protecting from the falling
temps.  Squirrels running everywhere busily burying their finds. 
It's a lovely time of the year.  The days are getting shorter, the
nights a bit cooler.  The beauty of the season is everywhere.
I love it!

I am joining the gals from Thoughts of Home for their
Be sure to stop by for some excellent fall decor ideas!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Love this. Great job. Very Fallish and perfect for the Fabulous Fall Party.
    Come over and join the party over here:

  2. Love this. Great job. Very Fallish and perfect for the Fabulous Fall Party.
    Come over and join the party over here:

  3. Hi Susan and Bentley, I see you are decorating for Autumn, and what a lovely table centerpiece !
    I'm ready to wave goodbye to summer, and enjoy some cool evening air.....

  4. Susan and Bentley, I love your tiered tray and all the beautiful elements you have incorporated. Apples and plaid are the perfect touch for Fall. I also love the cute squirrel. I hope that you all have a wonderful afternoon!!!

  5. This is so cute, Bentley must have helped you ...I do love your apples and pine cones...and plaids, too

    1. Of course Bentley helped ~ he's always in the middle of whatever I do :-)

  6. One of my fondest memories of growing up in New Mexico: every fall we would travel out to Dixon Apple Farm and pick up apples. They had a wonderful spot for picnics. Apple cider, too! Thanks for the memories!

    1. Apple picking is one of my fondest memories too. I imagine it was so beautiful in New Mexico!

  7. I enjoyed reading your apple picking memories Susan and your tray is wonderful.
    Apples just signify home don't they and that plaid is perfect.
    Thank you for joining us,

    White Spray Paint

  8. Your tiered tray is very pretty. I love the choice of apples and pine cones and the way you incorporated your memories. Susan, I'm so glad you joined us. :)

  9. Apples, plaid, and pinecones say fall to me too, Susan. Lovely tiered tray!

  10. What a pretty tiered tray you put together. My grandfather grew apples for market. At Christmas my grandmother would choose the best looking apples and display them in a blue and white bowl. It's the simple ideas that are sometimes the best ;)

  11. Very pretty, Susan! Love the look!!

  12. Your fall tiered tray is lovely.

  13. Lovely tray! I put treats on mine but am going to switch to healthy foods to see if it will spark an interest with the kids. lol Love the pillows and that cute little squirrel.


    1. We are trying to eat healthy foods here too. Tough to do some days ;-)

  14. Love it. Great job. Very Fall.
    Happy Fall!

  15. Lovely! Like that you used some real Fall color, that squirrel is precious! Lisa@ Sweet Tea N' Salty Air

  16. Love that squirrel and a wonderful tiered tray! Your autumnal touches are lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing this gem.


Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.