Thursday, September 8, 2016

Warm Home, Happy Home

Hoping that you find the same sense of comfort and contentment in
your own home as I do in mine.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Hi Susan and little Bentley!

    Yes, I just love my home too! Love to putter around, and rearrange my pretties! Today, I am washing my vintage doll's clothes and fixing their hair. PS I can't get comments on my blog, the dashboard is down. xo

  2. Hi Susan and adorable Bentley, I love all the touches you've added to make your home so warm and cozy for fall. I've never thought of putting pine cones with apples and I have a bowl of fake apples out as well as lots of pine cones-you've given me some great ideas. You are definitely gifted with decorating. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Noreen

  3. Hi! I love all the cozy pictures of your beautiful home, sister!!!
    Love, your adoring sister!
    Hugs and kisses from Auntie Robin, Bentley!

  4. Love love your colors. Have great day.

  5. Your home is so lovely and cozy, Susan! I can see why you are so happy there!

  6. Your home is pretty and I do find joy in our Charmer when she's not in a remodel....looking forward to playing again soon.

  7. I am so in love with the color red and adored your post! What lovely eye candy!

  8. The red puts me in the mood for Christmas, which must be really special with all the red.

  9. It's Autumn already! How did this happen??

  10. I really enjoy your blog. It's very sincere and heartfelt. While it is interesting, sometimes informative and even inspiring to read the lifestyle blogs, I must confess that I personally tire of the endless applications of the latest trends (which to me result in houses that look more like stage sets rather than homes); the constant quest for change and variety; the more! more! more!! I know that most bloggers shy away from the deeper things of life and some even consider them to be de trop. But it is so refreshing to read about your heart alongside showing us the things you find beautiful. Yes, I, too, love changing things up to celebrate the seasons, and I do add to my seasonal stores, but I also love using what I have, like bringing out old friends from year to year. This to me is the rhythm of life. Which is why I look forward to your blog. There is a "stop and smell the roses" quality to your writing. Keep it up, Susan. You and Bentley are a breath of fresh air. BTW, I love my house, too. :)

  11. You have NO idea how much I love visiting your blog and seeing your beautiful pictures. It always feels like 'home' to me in so many ways, Susan. I love the red and hope to have red in my next kitchen. Everything is bland here now as we prepare to sell. The house hits the market this weekend sometime. I didn't even bring out my fall stuff yet.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend in your sweet space you call home. xo Diana

  12. Love all the red touches! Such a happy color, I think. :-) Happy almost Fall!


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Oliver and I LOVE and read every comment.