Monday, September 12, 2016

Dear Daisy Cottage & Imagery by Kimberly

Years ago, during my first days of blog reading, I stumbled upon the
charming blog,  Dear Daisy Cottage.  The adorable yellow cottage was
home to it's owner and blog writer, Kimberly McCole.  Every inch of
this charming cottage is decorated with many thrift store finds and 
painted in cheerful colors to match Kim's sunny personality.

Upon entering the cottage, the reader finds herself surrounded by
color and Kim's fabulous sense of whimsey.  

Of course I was immediately smitten because I love color and admire those
who are not afraid to use it.  But aside from the free spirited cottage decor,
Kim made one feel like they had just stopped by for a cup of tea or coffee 
and were welcomed not just as a visitor, but as a friend.  Sometimes one
would meet her over a bowl of morning cereal, or to discuss the simple
pleasures of caring for a cottage that is so well loved.

For me, and for many others, a visit to Kim's Daisy Cottage was like
a welcoming ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

Kim's photography was always stunning and eventually her heart 
began to wonder down a new path.  She started to include more of her
beautiful nature photographs into her blog themes, and soon discovered
that her next calling would be there.

She began another blog, devoted to her beautiful images.  You can 
visit her HERE.  Kimberly is also selling some of her charming
photos at her etsy shop.  You can visit that shop by clicking

And ~ Kimberly has an adorable dollhouse that reflects Daisy Cottage
in miniature.  It is adorable and you can see it on my miniature
blog and you may see it now by heading over to

I want to thank Kimberly for allowing me to share photos
of her beautiful world with all my readers.

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I miss her blog. Her house was so happy and colorful.

  2. That is one beautiful cottage! And I He💝rt that duckling photo..thanks so much Susan for sharing in on this blogger...BTW I gave you a shout out on my new blog..I hope you don't mind.

  3. Yes...I would visit her often "back in the day"!

  4. Yes...I would visit her often "back in the day"!

  5. This is wonderful Susan.
    I loved her blog.
    What a treat to see photos of her cottage again.

  6. O my I miss that blog.. I found her too when I first start blogging. I was so sad when she left it. I like her photos but her Daisy cottage was best for me. Thanks for sharing. Every now and then I go visit.. Happy new week with love Janice

  7. what a sweet and sunshine-y cottage! I think we all love it don't we?

  8. (((((Susan))))
    You are a SWEETHEART! Thank you so much for sharing "me" and for all of your kind, generous words..... It has been a joy sharing with you all these years. I love all that you do and create and I am honored to be featured here! You made my heart smile.... much love to you always.


  9. What a cute house, but I love seeing someone follow their heart when it turns in a new direction. xo Laura

  10. Oh my goodness...."Dear Daisy Cottage" was the very first blog that I followed.... Now , I follow her on Imagery By Kimberly... I love her spirit... and the images she captures with her camera are incredible!!! Her cottage makes me smile every single time I click on and see a post that includes her home, and those precious pups of hers!!!! ( Not to mention her sweet grand daughter!!!) Thank you so much for sharing !!!!!

  11. Loved this. Thanks for reintroducing me. I loved visiting her cottage.

  12. I miss Dear Daisy Cottage. I bookmarked it so that I can revisit it whenever I want.

  13. Adorable! I love her bold use of color!

  14. I wish she would go back to updating her Daisy Cottage blog. I miss it a lot.

  15. Visited there last weekend with a group of friends, and had all the fun we could handle. I really like the ambiance at these Chicago event venues. There's a decent draft beer selection at a reasonable price and the bartenders are good at what they do.

  16. I miss her blog very much. She was posting regularly during a challenging time in my life. Her sunshine disposition and creativity were a balm to me at that time. Thank you Kim. <3


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