Wednesday, October 26, 2016

A Sun Filled Morning in My Studio

It's such a beautiful sunny morning.  It's not too hot and the sun is streaming
through the windows of my studio filling the room with happiness.
I am working in here this morning and also trying to get some inspiration
for handmade Christmas gifts.  I have friends and family to shop for, but
I like to make special handmade things too, especially for the little ones.

I save so many craft and sewing ideas on my Pinterest boards and then
over time I forget the ideas, so I am going back through every saved Pin
to choose what I plan to make and to find out what my craft stashes are
still lacking.  

I imagine that many of you are farther along in your Christmas crafts, but I 
am a notoriously late starter.  I must have ADD because I am always so
easily distracted and have too much on my plate.  All self imposed of course ;-)

I am trying to use my time wisely because the weather is so ideal right now
for yard work and my seriously neglected garden beds have been
ignored through all the very hot and humid months.  We have a very
big yard ~ over half an acre and deep beds filled with tropicals.  I am
just trying to complete the front and side yard this week and tackle the
back yard and area around the potting shed next week.  I am really
racking up the mileage and intense workouts on my FitBit!

Well, it's almost 11:30 and I have still not have breakfast, so I better
make some oatmeal and berries and then head out to the garden for
some serious clean up!

Have a wonderful Wednesday y'all!!

Oh, and if you need some ideas too, feel free to search through
my Pinterest Boards HERE.  I am a serious pinner ;-)

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. I am coming back in a bit and 'raiding' your pins, Susan. I really want to get some Christmas projects done this year, too...and know I need to get started. Your posts are always filled with light and life for me. Your love of home and life shines through every post. xo Diana

    1. Raid away! I am glad you enjoy my posts and thank you for saying so!

  2. Happy you had a good day, sister! We do love our Pinterest! We will be camping this weekend. I bought a new electric blanket just for this weekend!


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