Thursday, October 27, 2016

Copper Keeps It Cozy

Fall colors are so cozy, and the warm patina of copper is a great
addition to a fall table.

I am so happy to see that copper is back in fashion now.  I have
quite a few copper pieces that I love.  This copper fondue pot was
brought home to my family by my Daddy who purchased it while
on a business trip in Switzerland.  This pot has used so often
throughout the years at parties and every Christmas where a
cheese fondue was always served while we opened our presents
on Christmas morning.  

This antique copper kettle is also a family heirloom.  It came from

I would never give up either of these pieces, nor any of my copper
pots, but I am happy to see that they are back in style again too.

Now it's back out to the yard.  I need to thin the ginger out back and
cut back some dead leaves from the banana trees, which is not such
an easy task.  I have really been enjoying working in the yard once
again.  I still have to spray myself with mosquito and "noseeums" repellent,
but at least the temps have stayed in the 80's and that's a treat!

I am joining these parties today:

Have a great day today!

Big Texas Hugs,
Susan and Bentley


  1. Very pretty table! Love the colors you used.

  2. Pretty! We love copper in this house all year long. '-)

  3. I think copper is perfect & adds warmth to your settings.

  4. You are really plugging right along on that yard!!! We had a banana in our back yard when we lived in FL. I do love copper and kept a few pieces of it. I am sick to think I took some of it to GW because none of my kids wanted it. I am still kicking myself. xo Diana

  5. Great fall colors on your table! Copper comes and goes- it's a classic! That's so nice how you have the memories about the copper pieces your dad brought home. I image trimming a banana tree would be quite a chore!

  6. So happy to find someone else that is as in love with copper as I am. For as beautiful it is, it seems to be a truly underappreciated metal to use as home decor. You have pictured some very beautiful pieces that you must be very proud of. Good luck in the future!


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